Stand Firm Now -

Started by admin, May 05, 2023, 11:13:18 AM

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Please read at the link that opens with a powerful testimony by Dr. Christiane Northrup

"Take Action Now to Turn the Tide

We are reaching out to all MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS and MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS to take action in the form of an AFFIDAVIT.

    Medical Doctors
    Lab Technicians
    Registered Nurses
    Licensed Practical Nurses
    Respiratory Technicians
    Birth Coaches
    Massage Therapists
    Emergency Medical Technicians
    Personal Trainers
    X-Ray Technicians
    Hospital IT

Our goal is to obtain signatures on an Affidavit from THOUSANDS. 

The Affidavit has 24 Covid Commonalities that are factual statements about the Covid agenda. The purpose of the Covid Commonalities is to cover EVERYONE'S different kind of personal knowledge and experience.

Why Affidavits Are So Powerful

Affidavits That Cannot Be Dismissed In Court

The Affidavit is evidence that cannot be dismissed because it is in the form of a NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT.

Notarized documents are a key component. A notary is a public officer of the court who notarizes and authenticates legal documents. In order for an affidavit to be admitted as evidence in court, it must be notarized.

A NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT with a video testimony reading the statements cannot be thrown out by the judge.

This level of evidence is non-negotiable and not dismissible by the courts.

What happens when you submit a Notarized Affidavit and Video?

When the affidavits are created and made self-authenticating by the fact that the medical professional has read their affidavit into video and swears that the data is true and correct, that will create testimonial evidentiary support for both the criminal complaint and the civil complaint. After the criminal complaint is filed with the county prosecutor and/or the United States Attorney and/or the county sheriff's department, thereafter, during the civil litigation discovery process, whatever the civil defendants disclose, those can be used in the criminal prosecution thereafter.

Don't all the perpetrators have immunity from criminal or civil action?

From our Counsel:

"The government are just people holding offices of trust I. E. Trustees. They have a higher standard of fiduciary duty. Fiduciary misconduct in office is a big deal. If it rises to the level of homicide, it may constitute treason against the sovereigns that put them in those offices. It is not possible to legislate murder and somehow grant themselves immunity."

Pulmonary embolism was just one of over 700 safety signals in VAERS reported by the CDC in a FOIA request. They never bothered to warn the public about any of these safety signals (including "death" because they didn't want to create vaccine hesitancy.

Our objective is to prosecute the participants of the criminal organization that is destroying humanity, to obtain justice, and achieve monetary relief for the millions who have been injured and died at their hands.

This incalculable injustice is the result of the criminal malfeasance of the individuals and organizations who forced the implementation of their experiments-in-a-syringe upon the world."

A powerful video overview of how the global Plandemic came to be.

Click HERE to Watch Now.

Our Legal Counsel

Shawn Rice, Admiralty/Maritime Contract Law

Shawn has 30 years of experience navigating the legal system using Admiralty/Maritime Contract law that we believe is the essential critical edge we need to end this.

Using law, procedure, and his many years of legal system experience, Shawn is volunteering his services to put together a case backed by sworn testimonies and evidence from every medical professional that has personal knowledge and proof of this ongoing global catastrophe.

ST Rice, JD (#86082)

Fed. Tr. Cir. Ct.

Bonded through U.S. Treasurer

U.S. Treasury CAF #0315-19562R

Shawn Rice and Associates

Video - Dr. Christiane Northrup - Overview and Strategy
Please please please go to the link for this important video! Scroll to bottom:

Medical and science professionals, stand up and sign the affidavit to submit your expert testimony. The work has already been done for you and is awaiting your modification and signature.
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment