Author Topic: UK Parliament Testimony Videos Muted - remote control disappeared  (Read 855 times)


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Dr. Michael Yeadon's address on Rumble:

Don't expect to find world class and renowned scientists like Dr. Michael Yeadon on YouTube other than defamatory videos by clueless clowns. Nor are you likely to find him on a search engine now that Google/YouTube is nearly in complete control of information globally. Other search engines have essentially become Google slaves because Google controls 90% of search engine traffic through censorship and cancellation.

"UK Parliament Testimony Videos From MP Andrew Bridgen's Historic Meeting - Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr. Peter McCullough
These were pre-recorded for video display during MP Bridgen's historic meeting in the UK Parliament. Unfortunately, someone muted the television and "disappeared" the remote prior to the meeting.
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA  Dec 17, 2023

In Part 1 of this series, I provided an overview of the events and government actions leading up to, during, and after MP Andrew Bridgen’s historic meeting in the UK Parliament titled, “For Truth, Democracy, and Freedom.”

In that post I detailed all the lame attempts by the UK government to disrupt the meeting, with their only success being that of preventing the viewing of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Mike Yeadon’s testimonies. So here they are:"

« Last Edit: December 18, 2023, 09:37:23 AM by admin »
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