Author Topic: U.S. doctors rescued COVID patients in spite of NIH, FDA & Illness Industry  (Read 2011 times)


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Please read the important disclaimer at the following link before proceeding further on this page. The administrator of this forum is not a doctor nor licensed or experienced in any aspect of the health care industry.

Competent, dedicated, U.S. physicians have been rescuing their elderly and high-risk patients from COVID-19 through early outpatient treatment with hydroxychloroquine (since March of 2020) and ivermectin (since April of 2020), in spite of Fauci, the NIH, FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, Big Tec and legacy media censorship and the Illness Industry. Saving their patients from being killed by hospitals that follow Fauci's NIH deadly "standard of care".

As demonstrated by this chart of ivermectin prescriptions, and the following charts of resulting reduction in COVID death and infection rates:

Demonstrating that ivermectin along with hydroxychloroquine were responsible for ending the pandemic, as well as helping much of the U.S. reach herd immunity, before there was any vaccine effect.

Certainly not to minimize hydroxychloroquine's role which has been the workhorse for early treatment ever since March of 2020.

"New prescriptions [for hydroxychloroquine] by specialists who did not typically prescribe these medications (defined as specialties accounting for ≤2% of new prescriptions before 2020) increased from 1,143 prescriptions in February 2020 to 75,569 in March 2020, an 80-fold increase from March 2019."

Which was responsible for the drop in death rate you see in the spring of 2020, that reduced hospitalization, only to have our death rate climb again as bureaucrats and their media demonized this safe, effective, cheap life-saving medication based on fraudulent trials toward Big Pharma profits, while threatening doctors with loosing their licenses for prescribing it.

Blessedly some physicians like Dr. Brian Tyson and his team cared more about their patients than the government's threats made against them or the carnage would have been far worse. Tyson and his team treated over 5,000 elderly and high-risk patients beginning in March of 2020, with hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin+zinc, that resulted in a total of only 6 hospitalizations and 2 deaths.

The second drop in the death rate at the end of last year happened as ivermectin came into the fore, in spite of the continuing lies, fraudulent designed-to-fail "trials", the NIH, FDA, CDC and government bureaucrats like Fauci along with the Illness Industry suppressing effective early treatment with $20 protocols, while the social and legacy media that they "own" censored the truth in regard to the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in early treatment in spite of the fact that 100% of 29 HCQ early treatment studies demonstrated positive results.

Drop in cases is also attributable to the CDC lowering the number of cycle thresholds for the PCR test in vaccinated people, in order to create the illusion that the vaccines were working, which at the same threshold would have resulted in a 90% reduction in all previously diagnosed COVID cases.

Perhaps COVID cases were more than 90% inflated, since not a single instance of COVID was found through inspection under an electron microscope in 1500 supposedly positive COVID tests, with only influenza A or B being seen.

Can we suppose false diagnosis had anything to do with the amusing supposed 98% reduction in flu this season?

Or that "the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19"?

Treating physician and scientist Dr. Peter McCullough (who has over 600 peer reviewed papers published in medical journals to his credit) after the 17:30 mark in the following video:

"Now the curve started going down long before the vaccine. So I can tell you, herd immunity long before the vaccine showed up, started to go down, but the early treatment kicked up, ivermectin use skyrocketed, hydroxychloroquine, monocolonal antibodies as much as we could push them.... Sadly the monocolonal antibodies are still sitting on the shelf in a lot of places."

« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 07:31:56 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Scroll down to the chart to see how badly the heavily vaxxed U.S. and U.K. are doing, compared to lightly vaxxed but ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine rich India for example.

Shorten the period of time (begin it around May of 2021) and add in heavily vaxxed Israel (82% vaxxed?).

Then put in dirt poor but ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine rich countries like Sierra Lione, Ghana, Uganda, Chad, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Congo.

You can also select by vaccination to see how the same heavily vaxxed countries are doing in comparison to the lightly vaxxed ones.

From Paul Craig Roberts:

« Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 09:11:36 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment