Author Topic: When will the suicides of those responsible for the COVID genocide begin?  (Read 1598 times)


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As the Second World War was coming to a close, and in the aftermath as the walls closed in on them, many Nazi war criminals guilty of crimes against humanity saved the world a lot of legal bother by committing suicide. When will those responsible for this third greatest genocide in world history do the same? Is that what it will take to "blanket the world with Ivermectin"? They could still save perhaps thousands or even tens of thousands of lives if they simply came forward and apologized and testified for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine today.

For those responsible for the millions of unnecessary deaths through particularly horrific suffering for weeks and even months as patients lay drowning in their own body fluids on a ventilator in a hospital bed, while hospitals along with Big Pharma collected an average of $73,300 per COVID patient for what could have otherwise been cured in an outpatient setting with less than $20 worth of pills, how can they continue to live with themselves? Could they at least find the decency to confess and detail their crimes and name their co-conspirators in open letters as they depart?

How can the heads and those on the boards as well as other higher-ups of organizations like the WHO, FDA, NIH and CDC, as well as those in Big Pharma and their censors in Big Tech at Google/Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Next Door, Linkedin and other anti-social media, as well as legacy media, politicians like Senators Gary Peters and Mitt Romney, TV personalities, pundits, bloggers, from hospital administrators to cowardly physicians and all others who have fought against the COVID curing miracle drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, sit around the dinner table with their significant other and perhaps their kids, with the 800 pound gorilla of their mass homicide joining them at the table? While they may be greedy sociopathic reprobates, is it likely that all of their family members are as well? Don't some of their teenage kids know what's going on? Don't they ask about it? How culpable are spouses? Have they witnessed it all along but remained silent?

What about doctors who lost patients to COVID for absolutely no reason, because they failed to treat early with these miracle drugs, but instead deprived their patients of them because they were afraid they would loose their Ferrari. Is it likely that any doctors were not aware of the 99-100% success rates in elderly and high-risk patients that competent clinicians have been enjoying ever since March of 2020?

Even if they hadn't heard about those ethical, talented, dedicated doctors, how many of them could claim that they hadn't heard that these drugs were being used in treatment of COVID-19, so why wouldn't they have investigated rather than letting their patients suffer and die? I've been sending links to friends ever since April of 2020, so it isn't like the censorship accomplished a total black out. Why weren't their spouses and kids sending them articles?

What about doctors that let their practice "group" push them around and prohibit them from prescribing these life-saving drugs? The "good Germans". Shouldn't they have quit and found another group that was less homicidal?

What about Anthony Fauci for example, from perhaps being involved with the creation of COVID, to insisting on randomized controlled trials for a drug that he knew nobody but government could do when there was no money to be made in these generic off-patent drugs, yet at the same time having known all along that hydroxychloroquine is highly effective on SARS corona viruses ever since 2005? That alone should be enough for him to be tried, convicted and sentenced to hanging Nuremberg style for crimes against humanity and genocide. If you believe that genocide is inappropriate, consider who Pol Pot killed:
« Last Edit: June 24, 2021, 11:40:11 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment