Author Topic: Dr. J. Patrick Whelan warned about the microvascular damage caused by the vacci  (Read 816 times)


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Translator: MOS Translation Group – Henry

According to a report by Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(VAERS), a division of the U.S. government’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of deaths caused by administering CCP Virus vaccines up to now in 2021 has been nearly 4 000% higher than the total number of vaccine-related deaths in 2020. In addition, there have been reports of blood-clotting events associated with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, dating from December 14, 2020 to April 1, 2021. 400 of the nearly 800 reports of blood clot-related side effects were associated with the Pfizer vaccine, while Moderna vaccines were implicated in 337 cases.

On May 7, 2021, Nature News reported that Dr. Jonas Salk, a vaccine pioneer, had published an article entitled  “SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Spike-protein Impairs Endothelial Function through Downregulation of ACE 2 Receptors”in Circulatory Systems Research, in which he states that the Spike-protein of Covid-19 (CCP virus) is responsible for Pfizer and Modana mRNA vaccine recipients’ small vessel damage, a form of damage that increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots and other harmful reactions, which have claimed the lives of thousands of people in the USA. Researchers at the Salk Institute have created a “pseudovirus”, which refers to the Spike-protein that is produced by people who are vaccinated. Exposure to the pseudovirus caused lung and artery damage in animals, proving that the Spike-protein alone can cause disease. The Spike-protein also brings about vascular destruction by binding to ACE2 receptors and inhibiting endothelial cell mitochondrial function.

Dr. Uri Manor, co-author of the findings, reports that “many people think of COVID-19 as a respiratory disease, but it is actually a vascular disease. The tissue samples showed inflammation of the endothelial cells in the pulmonary artery wall. This could explain why some people have strokes and some people have problems in other parts of the body…. Among the four major brands of CCP virus vaccines currently in use around the world (Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Modena), the Spike-protein is either directly injected… into our body or produced through instruction of mRNA technology… and released into the bloodstream. The immune system of the recipient then attacks the injected foreign Spike-protein and neutralizes it… In other words, the human immune system tries to protect against direct damaging caused by the vaccine, lest the patient die from the adverse reaction.”

In simple terms, when someone survives a vaccination, it is because their own immune system is protecting them from the dangerous effects of the vaccine. Vaccines are potentially lethal weapons, and our immune system is our best defense. The mechanism is now clear: after receiving CCP virus vaccination, patients start to carry the CCP virus spike-protein, which causes vascular damage and platelet aggregation, and leads to blood clots in the body, resulting in stroke, heart attack, or else pulmonary embolism and inevitable death.

In December 2020, Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, an autoimmune disease specialist at Texas Children’s Hospital, warned about the microvascular damage caused by the CCP virus vaccine. On December 8, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) received a consultation report about evaluating the new vaccine months ago by Dr. Whelan. The submission was made in accordance with FDA and VRBPAC procedures, requiring multiple experts’ opinions on the safety of the new vaccine prior to the December 10 meeting when the committee was to review the Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccine for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Whelan tried to warn the FDA of “numerous aspects that were not evaluated in the safety trials of Pfizer and Modena’s new mRNA vaccine, particularly the potential for microvascular damage to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys.” Unfortunately, Dr. Whelan’s concerns were ignored. Instead the VRBPAC, relied on limited clinical trial data and approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine on December 10. The following day, the FDA issued the first Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccine, allowing Pfizer’s vaccine to be widely distributed among individuals sixteen years of age and older without requiring the additional studies, which Dr. Whelan considered essential to ensure the vaccine’s safety.

Now, the work done by Dr. Salk’s team confirms how valid Dr. Whelan’s concerns were. Based on Salk’s research, all CCP virus vaccines should be withdrawn from the market immediately and their long-term side effects should be re-evaluated. Dr. Peter McCullough, the most indexed physician in the National Library of Medicine, warns that “under normal circumstances, reporting 50 deaths to VAERS would result in the drug being taken off the market immediately. In the case of the COVID vaccine, thousands of cases have been reported, but the mass vaccination program is still moving forward.”

In fact, Attorneys General from twelve Democratic states have recently asked Big Tech to silence public inquiry and prohibit the release of any statements regarding adverse vaccine reactions, side effects or deaths on social media. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, who implemented a policy of labeling as “misinformation” postings from account holders who dared to tell the truth back in the 2020 election, have successfully banned any public dissent against government blockades, mandatory mask-wearing, and Big Pharma’s aggressive promotion of vaccines. The goal of the State legislatures is clear: to cover up information about the deaths and injuries caused by the CCP vaccine, so that more people will receive the shot in total ignorance of the risks. The less the public knows, the more likely they are going to be vaccinated, thinking that it will enable them to return to their longed normal lives as soon as possible.

In an interview conducted with America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice-president and chief scientist of Pfizer, a man well-versed in the vaccine development market, mentioned the motives for this mass vaccination: “the universal administration of vaccines, the inclusion of even underage children… in the vaccination network, has to make me think that there is an attempt to implement evil plans. If someone wishes to harm or kill a significant portion of the world’s population in the next few years, the vaccination system now in place will make it possible to carry out that plan, and it can easily be used for mass depopulation.”

No matter how much the truth is suppressed, it always finds its way out. Public health authorities and law enforcement officials are deeply unwilling to let the the public understand the serious harm vaccines can cause and are trying to silence any voice that dares to criticize them. But all the attempts at censorship, manipulation and coercion have instead succeeded in alerting a growing number of concerned citizens. The more people know the truth about the CCP virus and the vaccines, the less likely they are to be lured into taking the bait by vaccine “passports”, and other coercive tactics.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, former virologist of the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong, has been revealing her findings on the origin of the new coronavirus since last July. She has published three academic reports, alerting the world the fact that “the New Coronavirus is based on the Zhoushan bat virus, which is patented by the Chinese Communist military, and its genes have been artificially modified to make it highly infectious… to humans. Any research and development that uses non-original versions of the virus genetic information for vaccine development will be futile, and only by forcing the CCP to hand over the specific genetic modification information they have made to this particular virus, will their virus vaccine development be meaningful and productive.”

There is a saying that if God closes a door, he will open a window. A number of safe, inexpensive, and effective drugs extensively in use for more than half a century, and modified for therapeutic purposes, have been successfully employed in many countries to prevent CCP Virus, or to treat people infected with CCP virus. A variety of medication options and regimens are available: hydroxychloroquine sulfate, ivermectin, budesonide, and of course oral vitamin D, zinc, and azithromycin are also essential. These measures have been proven to reduce the rate of CCP virus infection and the severity of symptoms after infection, and the statistics on their successful use are very promising. Of course, the best outcome would be to force the producer of the virus, the CCP, to release the antidote and the information regard modifying the genes of the virus. But if that happens, it will completely dismantle this evil Party and thus bring peace, as well as healing, to the whole world.

Editor: Eglise Bell, Xiaoxin| Posted By: Xiaoxin

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Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment