And just a half hour after posting the prior post I was shown this from the American Thinker:"May 29, 2021
Number of COVID cases in Delhi crashes after mass distribution of ivermectinBy Thomas Lifson
India has been suffering horrendously from COVID of late, and the complete death toll may never be known. But in the capital city of Delhi, mass distribution of ivermectin began and the results have been stunning.
Stephen McIntyre of Climate Audit posted a Twitter thread that includes this remarkable graph:
accodnig to online data, Delhi cases have gone from 24K daily at end of April to 1491 yesterday. Whether it's due to ivermectin or just down phase of Gompertz curve, it's huge and gratifying good news that's mostly unreported in doomcasting media.
— Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) May 27, 2021
This result is consistent with the results of mass distribution of ivermectin in Mexico City, as reported by James V. DeLong on these pages on May 21, 2021:
Yet, most doctors in this country refuse to prescribe ivermectin, and most hospitals in this country refuse to administer it even to seriously ill COVID patients, citing the lack of double-blind studies – which are expensive and time consuming and which yield no big profits for anyone since ivermectin is a generic drug with no patent protection.
A Buffalo, NY woman had to sue in order to receive ivermectin therapy while hospitalized, forced to bear considerable legal fees. After a judge ordered that she receive it, she recovered and left the hospital.
In poorer countries, where vaccines are unavailable to too expensive for mass use, they have been forced to resort to ivermectin. This has had the effect of conducting a mass experiment (albeit not with the double-blind, randomized, controlled conditions that “gold standard” medical research requires. Maybe that will enable the ivermectin deniers to maintain their posture of self-righteousness.
Note that the emergency use authorization under which the experimental mRNA vaccines have been approved for mass use would not be given if there were an accepted effective alternative therapy. Billions of dollars flowing into the hands of vaccine makers would not have happened.
Disclaimer: Of course, I am not a medical doctor and am not qualified to offer medical advice. This post is only meant to provide information, and not to recommend any medical treatment to any readers.
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Which of course looks the same as 8 Peruvian states that did mass distribution of ivermectin last summer: people will still choose to remain ignorant enough to use Google for internet searches, and allow themselves to be propagandized by
garbage publications like Politico:'s one thing for Merck to lie about their own time-tested 35-year-old drug and not care about who gets killed in the process to advance corporate profits, but for a reporter like that in Politico to parrot lies like Merk's in light of well over a year of proof of the efficacy of ivermectin, is the result of sheer stupidity.