Author Topic: This is a discussion from Twitter  (Read 3029 times)


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This is a discussion from Twitter
« on: January 15, 2023, 01:56:36 PM »
(tweet initiator #1)

If I was vaccinated I’d be terrified right now.

#2 Replying to #1

What?! Where’s the evidence? And I don’t mean that you know someone or whatever, or that it’s on the news. Actual verified statistics that account for all angles. I’m sad to see you discredit yourself since you’ve done so well exposing the groomer agenda.
This forum admin Replying to #2

Evidence abounds.
Even in Pfizer's own trials with 42.8% greater all-cause mortality in Pfizer's vaccine group
1,291 different "adverse events of special interest"

#2 Replying to admin

Thanks for sharing, I'll leave my initial scathing response up, but wouldn't put it that way now. If that site was someone's only source, they'd still be misled. But, I learned from it and where it led me. I think people need to learn from both sides to see the big picture.

admin Replying to #2

The world is awash in the Big Pharma propaganda side. The forum IS the other side - the largely censored side. I guess you didn't investigate enough to see that the vast majority of threads are articles, papers and videos by renowned Drs/scientists.

#2 Replying to admin

I stand corrected to a degree. I see there is some harm (wasn't from your info, but yours helped me know what to look for). I still think the vaccines saved many more lives than harmed but don't think it should be required or pushed for younger ages.
"Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials...
The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes"

admin replying to #2

You went down the wrong trail. On March 23 of 2020 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko wrote to Trump and Meadows (also on youtube) he had cured 500 elderly & high-risk patients with 0 deaths and 0 hospitalizations with $20 worth of generic generic drugs/nutraceuticals.

admin Replying to #2

His eventual Peer Reviewed Outpatient Study Finds hydroxycholorquine+Zn+Az Survival Rate 99%

admin replying to #2

Thousands of doctors followed in Zelenko's wake and treated with what became known as the "Zelenko Protocol". has treated 150,000 COVID patients with a 99.99% success rate (only lost 4).

admin Replying to #2

Dr.s Brian Tyson and George Fareed have treated over 12,000 COVID patients with 0 deaths or hospitalizations in those that showed up for treatment on a timely basis.

Tyson by mid 2020 - 1,900 elderly and high-risk with 0 deaths 1 hospitalization of 4 days.

admin Replying to #2

#2 Replying to admin

I’ll follow up but the economist has a good article on hydroxychloroquine. It’s more for developing countries where they have worms. Basically useless in developed countries. The health care industry knows about Azithromycin. Not every doctor can be right if they say diff things.

admin Replying to #2

Why suggest HCQ is "more for developing countries", when a New York doctor reported 100% success in curing 500 elderly and high-risk patients with 0 hospitalizations, by March 23 of 2020, through early treatment with HCQ plus all important ZINC?

admin Replying to #2

"Not every doctor can be right if they say diff things."
Thus the peer reviewed study demonstrating 99+% efficacy.

"It’s more for developing countries... Basically useless in developed countries."
Are people harder to cure in developed countries??

#2 replying to admin

Efficacy is correlated with prevalence of worms, which is much more common in developing countries. It’s a complex interaction between Covid, worms, and hydroxy. I don’t have time to review right now but the immune system can better fight Covid when hydroxy addresses worms.

admin replying to #2

Why on earth would you make such a suggestion - more absurd than your last - when a NY doctor & thousands more around the world, meet with 99+% success using HCQ+zinc+az?
Limits put on HCQ by Big Pharma-captured western countries tells the story.

If you meant incidence of COVID mortality is lower in countries that prophylax with HCQ for malaria, correct as observed from early on. Some with over 100 TIMES fewer COVID deaths.
Same reason Zelenko had 99+% success with a $20 7-day treatment in NY.

#2 Replying to admin

I looked it up. I actually was thinking about Ivermectin. My bad. I’ll look into hydroxy. Seems curious that you refer to literally one doctor over and over.

admin Replying to #2

Zelenko set earliest standard by curing 500 w/0 hospitalized by MARCH 23rd OF 2020. Protocol adopted by nationstates. He combined Dr. Didier Raoult's mostly successful HCQ+AZ, with ZINC that Koreans were working with. Brian Tyson and many others followed.

admin Replying to #2

Better late to the party than never! They are both highly effective in EARLY treatment, and IVM has efficacy even in later hospitalization.
"459 HCQ COVID-19 studies, 362 peer reviewed, 380 comparing treatment and control groups."

#2 replying to admin

There are so many holes in this don’t know where to start…

admin replying to #2

Then why don't you start with fraudulent trials Big Pharma designed to sink HCQ, like this Lancet withdrawn trial?
Or the WHO "Solidarity" trial that used deadly toxic dosing, and had to suspend the trial after being found out:

admin to #2

I heartily agree with "holes" in trials since hardly any include ZINC. Yet HCQ still did quite well in spite of being crippled like that. Zinc is what precludes viruses from replicating inside cells, HCQ is an ionophore that helps zinc get into cells.

admin to #2

Trials for drugs in relative isolation, are ridiculous for a disease that manifests as 3 separate illnesses, for which competent clinicians use from 5 to 10 or 15 drug/nutraceutical combinations depending on the stage of illness/symptoms of the patient.


On vaccine from an unrelated tweet that #2 would seem to have stalked me to:

Tweet originator:

Bogota has experienced snowfall four times in the past 8 months, despite not having seen snow in 60 years. The phenomenon of global warming seems to be mysteriously disappearing.

admin to originator

Gee, I wonder if it has anything to do with the new "grand solar minimum" that began in 2020?
About which some suggest cooling could last until 2053.

#2 Replying to admin's post

Conspiracy much?

Admin to #2

Queries the champion of the clot-shots.

#2 reply to admin

I’ll still do my own reading about HCQ when I get time and follow up. I have preconceived notions about it, but I’ll look into it with an objective mind.

admin reply to #2

Better than focusing on Pharma's fraudulent designed-to-fail trials, why not focus on REALITY and the SCIENCE of 3 years worth of actual COVID treatment?
Can you explain 150,000 treated with only 4 fatalities?

#2 Replying to admin

I’ve said it shouldn’t be required and there’s probably an age threshold where the harm-benefit tradeoff is advantageous, guessing somewhere between 25-45 the more I look into it. However you have a discrediting pattern of conspiracies, which says more about you than the subjects

admin Replying to #2

There's been 99.99% successful treatment of elderly since March 2020.
So what age should volunteer to be lab rats for a questionable corporation's investigational, experimental, genetically engineered, innate immune response reprogramming, leaky, escape mutant training gene therapy?

#2 Replying to admin (next day)

Pretty absurd this guy claimed to study 2.4 billion people after covid was around in significant numbers for like 2 months. HCQ claims refuted several ways: another I could add more but I've had enough wormhole for now. Best to ya

admin reply to #2

Thousands of doctors have enjoyed 99+% success for 3 years in early treatment with HCQ protocols, yet over a single night you're fooled to believe that's untrue from "this guy". Not rational. So do you work for Big Pharma or the government?
Check chart:

admin reply to #2

You should try to find your way out of Big Pharma's propaganda pit and try reality for a change.
Do you really believe the low COVID death rate in African countries is because of lockdowns and social distancing? Or vaccine??

admin reply to #2

You want to feed confirmation bias, by believing an article that a younger population is the reason that some African countries have 100 TIMES less COVID death than U.S.
But check a chart of low use HCQ African countries, where malaria is nearly extinct:

#2 Replying to admin

There are many reasons listed. And you listed literally one. Your guy claimed to study 2.4 billion people which is laughable. Disease doesn’t spread uniformly across regions and countries. That’s to be expected.

admin reply to #2

Your articles over 2 years old. Look at the ridiculous predictions in the sources they use.
Last link I posted - low-malaria/HCQ African countries have similar rates of COVID death as western countries. You really believe Uganda kept their COVID deaths down by restrictions? :-)

#2 Replying to admin

That wasn’t the only reason listed. Besides all the reasons listed, you think Uganda has great data reporting? How about travel rates? Indoor spaces? Stronger immune systems from malaria and other diseases. Bruh, you can’t conclude anything. Oversimplifying

admin reply to #2

Since "you can't conclude anything" & Big Pharma has captured government agencies, bureaucrats, politicians, mainstream TV, print & digital media, medical journals etc., we CAN depend on nearly 3 years of the REALITY of 99+% success of early treatment.

admin reply to #2

You exemplify the reason a million Americans died horrific and completely unnecessary deaths. "You can't conclude anything" - truly Faucian.
Even though doctors have been 99-100% successful in EARLY treatment with HCQ+zn since March of 2020. One of the safest drugs on the planet.

#2 Replying to admin

There is no apples to apples. No control of external factors to make conclusions or attributions to specific causal factors. Unless you oversimplify the whole thing.

admin reply to #2

There is 3 years of COVID SCIENCE:

You exemplify why 1.1 million Americans died completely unnecessary deaths and millions more worldwide.
Fauci killed thousands of AIDS sufferers with the same ridiculous demands in the 1980s.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2023, 12:46:50 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Re: This is a discussion from Twitter
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2023, 01:56:23 PM »
#2 Replying to admin (next day)

Pretty absurd this guy claimed to study 2.4 billion people after covid was around in significant numbers for like 2 months. HCQ claims refuted several ways: another I could add more but I've had enough wormhole for now. Best to ya

Did he didn't realize the first so-called "fact check" he selected to reinforce his confirmation bias was from one of Big Pharma's propaganda lackeys - U.S.A. Today - was dated Nov 30 of 2020?
"Fact check: Coronavirus deaths across continent of Africa are far less than in U.S."
Or even bother to check their sources at page bottom? Like these hysterical now-laughable headlines that never materialized:
"Africa has a COVID-19 time bomb to defuse"
"Without adequate protection, estimates show that over 300,000 Africans could lose their lives due to COVID-19 -ECA report"
"Noncommunicable diseases increase risk of dying from COVID-19 in Africa"
"COVID-19 in Africa: Dampening the storm?"

Then the second link dated even earlier at Oct 12, 2020:
"Uganda’s Low COVID-19 Cases Due to Restrictions, Not Hydroxychloroquine"
Africa has had 1/100th the COVID death rate of the U.S. and Europe, because overcrowded, underserved, unsanitary, 3rd world countries have just been so good at following restrictions!
Perhaps they must owe it all to face masks!
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 02:16:08 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment