How come the media isn't warning Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients about hydroxychloroquine dangers the way they are COVID-19 positive people? take it in the
same dosage - some over the course of many years -
as the Zelenko protocol uses it over 5 days. would seem pretty obvious that it isn't wise to listen to liars and Big Pharma shills like Fauci. your own homework. Work up a plan in advance and present it to your doctor. If he doesn't like your plan, find another doctor.
In questions three doctors asked of Fauci in an open letter they mentioned Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harry Risch:"5
Risch estimates the risk of cardiac death from hydroxychloroquine to be 9/100,000 using the data provided by the FDA. That does not seem to be a high risk, considering
the risk of death in an older patient with co-morbidities can be 15 percent or more. Do you consider 9/100,000 to be a high risk when weighed against the risk of death in older patient with co-morbidities?"
From an article written by Dr. Risch at the following link:
"This fact is proven by an Oxford University study of more than 320,000 older patients taking both hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, who had arrhythmia excess death rates of less than 9/100,000 users, as I discuss in my May 27 paper cited above. A new paper in the American Journal of Medicine by established cardiologists around the world fully agrees with this." means an elderly or high-risk individual, would have
a 1667 times greater chance of dying of COVID-19 than they would a heart related problem from hydroxychloroquine.