Author Topic: "Most University Medical Research Brought To You By Big Pharma"  (Read 1223 times)


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How much worse must it be 5 years later!

"Most University Medical Research Brought To You By Big Pharma"
May 9, 2018

By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze

Partly a result in the decrease in government funding in innovation, health, science, and general development and partly a result of the close connection between major corporations, government, and academia, there has been a major increase in the “financial partnerships” between universities and Big Pharma over the past several years. Once a relatively rare occurrence, Big Pharma/Big Ed partnerships have become a common sight, with many corporations maintaining massive “integrated programs” and “science hubs” in university institutions. The focus of these programs are not necessarily public health but the development of drugs for Big Pharma profits.

GlaxoSmithKline at Harvard, AstraZeneca at the University of Washington, and Pfizer at the University of California are some of the most glaring examples, but they are by no means even the tip of the iceberg in Big Pharma/Big Ed partnerships. As writes in its article “Big Pharma Pays Universities For Most Medical Research In the United States,

    In fact, with the increasing financial ties between academia and the pharmaceutical industry, many drug companies have formed specialized divisions that are solely responsible for seeking research and development relationships with academic institutions."

"The Washington Post, surprisingly, explains one reason such heavy corporate funding is a bad idea. It states,

    The billions that the drug companies invest in such experiments help fund the world’s quest for cures. But their aim is not just public health. That money is also part of a high-risk quest for profits, and over the past decade corporate interference has repeatedly muddled the nation’s drug science, sometimes with potentially lethal consequences"

Much more
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