Author Topic: Dr. ZdoggMD & Dr. Marty Makary VS Dr. Vladimir Zelenko & Dr. Harvey Risch  (Read 2344 times)


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If any of these good doctors believe I have mischaracterized their words or themselves in any way, I would be more than happy to edit and/or retract that characterization, on a factual basis.

A popular Facebook-shared video titled "Why Does COVID Research Suck so Much?" that features an interview of Dr. Marty Makary by a guy that calls himself Dr. ZdoggMD, seemed to be just another "social" media exercise of two guys confirming each others biases, though in this case while even patting each other on the back and congratulating each other for being so unbiased and so science minded.

Yet even as they touched on having respect for results of convalescent plasma therapy without needing a study to confirm that it works (while the science suggests that it doesn't), at the same time it seemed as though neither one of them must have bothered to consider the results that actual treating physicians have been achieving worldwide through early treatment with hydroxychloroquine+zinc+Azithromycin ever since March.

Much less do they seem to have considered the dozens of studies regarding early outpatient treatment (within the first 5-7 days of presentation of symptoms) with the Zelenko Protocol, that is being used around the world and has been adopted by entire nation-states.
In light of the facts, Dr. ZdoggMD & Dr. Marty Makary seem to have wound up perhaps looking like the "hacks" on social media that they themselves condemned at the end of the video.
So could Dr. ZdoggMD and Dr. Marty Makary have possibly remained so ignorant of the facts, over all these many months, or are they just two more in a long line of witting or unwitting shills for Big Pharma and Bill Gates/WHO's vaccine?

Consider actual clinical results from treating physicians like Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, whose team saw 2,200 COVID patients and treated about 1/3 that were in the elderly and high risk category, and overall only lost two, of which one had advanced leukemia and the other was already too sick when he sought treatment (that's still 99.9% survival over the whole group and 99.7% survival among those in the treated group). Or consider actual experts like Yale School of Health professor of epidemiology Dr. Harvey Risch or French epidemiologist and clinical physician Dr. Didier Raoult.
In light of these highly regarded doctors one answer to the question asked in the title of Dr. Zdogg's video might be - because of witting or unwitting Big Pharma propagandist shills like Zdogg and Marty Makary that post on "social" media while confirming each other's (false) biases? Do they really not know what's been going on with treating physicians, or might they have gone too far down their denial road and at this point be too proud to admit that they could have been so wrong for so many months on end, with their ego all wrapped up in their public image through videos?

This is literally a matter of life and death for tens of thousands of COVID-19 patients going forward - that so many treat so cavalierly and recklessly (at best) - as the "fake-news" persists. Another 100,000 Americans are "scheduled" to die unnecessarily in the U.S. alone, when almost the entirety of even the elderly and other high-risk patients could otherwise be saved, by timely, proper OUTpatient treatment of COVID-19 with the "Zelenko Protocol" within the first 5 days of the presentation of symptoms. Here's another unsurprising headline (to those that have actually been honestly investigating hydroxychloroquine) I noticed today:  "HUGE DEVELOPMENT: 51 Global Studies Find HCQ Effective in Treating COVID-19 — 16 Find HCQ NOT Effective — But 10 of Those Are Late Treatment Studies!"

Indeed the world can be viewed as one giant trial as the following graphs and website aptly illustrate.
"Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine: a country-based analysis
Covid Analysis, August 5, 2020 (updated September 6, 2020)"

"Many countries either adopted or declined early treatment with HCQ, effectively forming a large trial with 1.8 billion people in the treatment group and 663 million in the control group. As of October 18, 2020, an average of 98.0 per million in the treatment group have died, and 510.3 per million in the control group, relative risk 0.192. After adjustments, treatment and control deaths become 203.8 per million and 775.6 per million, relative risk 0.26. The probability of an equal or lower relative risk occurring from random group assignments is 0.028. Accounting for predicted changes in spread, we estimate a relative risk of 0.29. The treatment group has a 71.5% lower death rate. Confounding factors affect this estimate. We examined diabetes, obesity, hypertension, life expectancy, population density, urbanization, BCG vaccine use, testing level, and intervention level, which do not account for the effect observed."

What can we learn from Asia's largest slum?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2021, 06:59:20 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Re: Dr. ZdoggMD & Dr. Marty Makary VS Dr. Vladimir Zelenko & Dr. Harvey Risch
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2020, 10:50:24 AM »
"Here's The Deal With Hydroxychloroquine | A Doctor's Take" by  Dr. ZdoggMD
He quoted the bogus Lancet study that contained fictitious data that was very quickly withdrawn and retracted in disgrace.

Dr. Zdogg mentioned the "gold standard" of trials, while in other videos he dismisses it (when expressing a need for it would negate his biases on other subjects like convalescent plasma).

Regarding discussion about arrhythmia, according to an actual expert, highly esteemed Yale professor of epidemiology Dr. Harvey A Risch: 
"Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than 300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe."

By way of comparison a 15% mortality rate among elderly and high-risk patients with untreated COVID-19, equates to a 15,000/100,000 chance of mortality from untreated COVID-19, compared to a 9/100,000 chance of arrhythmia related mortality from HCQ+AZ. Put another way, a high-risk patient has a 1666 times greater risk of dying of untreated COVID, than of arrhythmia related issues from HCQ+AZ. Dr. Risch and Dr. Zelenko also suggest that Doxycycline may sometimes be used in place of Azithromycin.

Next is a video Dr. Zdogg titled "Hydroxychloroquine, Miracle Cure! | 'America's Frontline Doctors' Debunked". However debunking is not accomplished through false opinion, creation of diversionary straw men or expressing personal displeasure. He did mention some of the substance like Dr. Stella Emmanuel's 100% success with over 350 patients - so we know he heard it - but he did nothing whatsoever to "debunk" it. So why does his title claim that he did?

At the link are videos by the treating physicians that he is defaming. Judge their testimonies and credentials for yourself:

He said "that's not science", "show me your data", etc. as if 100% success in over 350 patients is perhaps somehow just a clinical accident? Or perhaps doctors should reject the evidence they observe with their own eyes, day after day, month after month, because there haven't been randomized placebo controlled studies yet (that would actually be tantamount to mass murder)? We have 150,000 dead Americans already in the control group, that were not treated with HCQ+zinc+AZ on a timely outpatient basis.
Yet when actual results confirm zdog's personal biases, he is more than happy to accept results without data, like in the case of his favoring convalescent plasma therapy.
He even described this treating physician's testimony as "telling a story", even as so many other treating physicians like Dr. Vladimir Zelenko tell the very same "story" (out of 2,200 COVID patients he and his team only lost 2). Dr. Brian Tyson lost 0 out of 1900 patients with only 1 hospitalization of 4 days.
He scoffs at Dr. Emmanuel's alluding toward retribution as if it were over the top, while doctors all around the U.S. have for many months been having their licenses threatened by the power of the State, for prescribing hydroxychloroquine. Board certified emergency physician Dr. Simone Gold was fired from her ER job. Hospitals and many CYA doctors have been frightened out of continuing to prescribe this life saving protocol and as a result have that on their consciences, and pharmacists have even inserted themselves between patients and the prescription that their doctor gave them for HCQ, by refusing to dispense it. In my opinion wrongful death lawsuits should be brought against such pharmacists/pharmacies if the patient dies because delay in getting medication allowed advancing their condition into the inflammation stage and cytokine storm.

From highly esteemed and heavily published Yale School of Public Health professor of epidemiology Dr. Harvey Risch:  "Physicians who have been using these medications in the face of widespread skepticism have been truly heroic. They have done what the science shows is best for their patients, often at great personal risk. I myself know of two doctors who have saved the lives of hundreds of patients with these medications, but are now fighting state medical boards to save their licenses and reputations. The cases against them are completely without scientific merit."

Dr. Zdogg even made the bold but by this point in history obviously preposterous claim, that these front line doctors were "ignoring all the evidence so far that has shown that hydroxychloroquine has no effect", which again suggests that he believes he can school them on not believing their own eyes! Additionally, it couldn't be more false, since there are loads of studies and trials that support its efficacy in early OUTpatient treatment, and false opinions like his spring from fraudulent or bogus, as well as irrelevant trials done with late stage INpatients - or with HCQ alone without AZ or zinc - that fly in the face of successful timely treatment for COVID with HCQ+zinc+AZ that has been going on all around the world since March. Even the Henry Ford and the Mt. Sinai Hospital studies demonstrated a 50% reduction in patient mortality even in inpatients (the hospitalized stage of COVID rapidly progresses beyond anti-virals being their most effective).
Yet Dr. Zdogg still seems to have a big fan club of apparently information deprived Americans.

In this next video that follows "Lancet Hydroxychloroquine Study Retracted, Enter The HERO (w/Dr. Adrian Hernandez)"
The retraction of the study published in The Lancet might have "blown the mind" of Dr. Zdogg, but apparently not of doctors who even just glancing at it could immediately recognize on it's face, that the data was impossible. They are the ones that started asking for the data (that was discovered to be fictional), as opposed to parroting the results of the bogus study for public consumption as the fake-news media and Dr. Zdogg did. So why didn't he remove the video that highlights this bogus study from his channel, that even continues to invite viewers to share that false information with others? He even references that video in this later one, so it isn't a matter of his having forgotten that still stands as a siren's song for bogus information. Even as he closes this video with a patronizing " correct errors before they become avalanches of misinformation.....", when it is precisely because of people that don't correct their errors and take down false videos and articles that continue to carry the impact of the fraudulent study in Lancet forward to this day.

Regarding Dr. Adrian Hernandez reference to a study that had 800 participants on the effects of HCQ as prophylaxis for COVID-19, that smelled suspiciously of the ridiculous study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, so one has to wonder if Dr. Hernandez has read the instructions for HCQ or visited before citing the study, any more thoroughly than the 24 doctors etc. that ran the study would seem to have.

Hernandez also made reference to the bogus "Recovery" trial (that used toxic dosing of 2400 mg the first day, which is six times that needed to treat COVID). In France hospitalization for poisoning is directed if a person consumes over 1800 mg. Let alone it was an irrelevant study for HCQ because it was done on late stage hospitalized COVID patients when no anti-virals are effective.

On the subject of vaccines it is instructive to consider Bill Gates' and WHO's track record on the subject.
Why con naive folks into participating in vaccine trials, by patting them on the back with suggestion they are "HERO"s for being guinea pigs, when there would hardly be a need for a vaccine in the first place if we only adopted the treatment that is available that is 99+% effective in early OUTpatient treatment? (original post) Even going as far as to characterize a person risking their future health as "participating in something that is bigger than ourselves".
I wonder if Dr. ZdoggMD or Dr. Adrian Hernandez rolled up their sleeves and participated in the highest dosage experimental vaccine trial themselves, after all that cheerleading they did to talk others into it as engaging in something bigger than themselves?

And these guys seem pretty far behind the curve regarding HCQ as prophylaxis as well: "The National Task Force for coronavirus in India recommended once a week maintenance dose for seven weeks i.e., 400 mg once every week, following the loading dose of 400 mg."
"A significant reduction of about 80 per cent in the odds of Covid-19 infection in the HCWs was identified with the intake of six or more doses of HCQ prophylaxis. This dose-response relationship added strength to the study outcomes.”

Let alone what the biggest slum in Asia can teach us that has 6 times the population density of New York City but only 1/20 the rate of mortality of the U.S. average:

In light of the preceding I don't believe there's much point in spending more time exploring Dr. Zdogg's videos.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 07:54:54 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Re: Dr. ZdoggMD & Dr. Marty Makary VS Dr. Vladimir Zelenko & Dr. Harvey Risch
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2020, 08:16:01 AM »
Again, I wonder if Dr. ZdoggMD or Dr. Adrian Hernandez went ahead and got the needle stuck in their arm for the highest dosage experimental vaccine trial, after all that cheerleading they did to talk others into it as engaging in something bigger than ourselves?
They seem to keep using the word "they"......

Scroll to the 18:30 mark in the video above.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 02:17:08 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Big Pharma shill Doctor ZDummy is at it again. This time with ivermectin.
It's gratifying to see that the people commenting on his videos are so much more astute and well versed on the subject than he is. At least some folks won't get suckered in and perhaps even die as a result of buying into his naysaying. (You can copy and paste the link and remove the space. I didn't want to support it by having people in here click on it and add to his numbers.) com/watch?v=H3VMzVePKDs

His video thumbnail even includes a picture of ivermectin as sheep dip, in a further display of his baldfaced bias or rank stupidity, since this drug has been used in humans for 35 years and won the Nobel Prize for its discovery and the human misery it has resolved. One of the WHO listed "essential medications". Pretty conspicuous shill for Big Pharma.

"1 month ago
Change title to "Doctor explains the benefits of sitting around with your thumb up your..."

1 month ago
Physicians and scientists have been talking about Ivermectin since April 2020.  WHERE HAS THE NIH BEEN??????

1 month ago
So before you even consider a well studied drug, make sure to inject yourself with a vaccine that rushed through development and any trials.

1 month ago
Wow.. this guy really needs to do some research ivermectin before reporting. 
The 8 doctors in the FLCCC have published over 2000 publications. 
The NIH has its reports published,  and he is talking hypothesis?

1 month ago
Who's paying you dude?

1 month ago
Did you even read their paper?  I did.  Did you listen to their presentation.  I did.  Do you know what The “I mask +” protocol is?  C’mon dog - give these guys some respect.  I’m not felling’ it.

1 month ago
I’ve lived in the Central American tropics for 11 years.  Ivermectin is recommended to be taken every six months for treatment against tropical parasites and no one I know has had any severe side effects.  It is very routine here  and costs about $5 USD per treatment.

1 month ago (edited)
Where are the “Gold Standards” studies performed  by the NIH on the effectiveness of Ivermectin on COVID-19?   What is the NIH afraid of?

1 month ago
A personal front line doctor friend of mine states, and I quote, "Have had no deaths on (Nebulizer) silver and Ivermectin"!

1 month ago
Even though the double-blind studies regarding Ivermectin  are not approved by YOU, there may be a LOT of high risk persons that find those studies persuasive especially coupled with the decades long history of safety associated with Ivernectin and highly credentialed medical doctors who treat covid patients that do not share your skepticism.  Expressed another way, your attempt to instill fear and doubt is supported by nothing.  Do you have any experience at all treating persons with covid and Ivermectin?

1 month ago
We treat patients with this and they turn around.  Private practice docs have often innovated and brought new treatments to their patients before the monoliths of academia and bureaucratic medicine have solved our problems.  What do you think these docs have to gain by subjecting themselves to the media scrutiny?  They are sharing their experiences in a medical environment we have never seen before.  They are trying to save people.  Do you treat patients with early home treatment?  I can't imagine you do if you don't understand how powerful the early treatment home protocols are.

1 month ago (edited)
What kind of doctor are you LOL 😂 we know more about ivermectin (about 40 years more) then we do about a vaccine that was produced in 7 months. I wouldn’t not be going to your dr office lol

1 month ago
Zdog, it would be great if the episode critiques the studies individually and properly as opposed to just tout foreign studies as not valid just because they were done outside. In addition, we all know that more research is needed. With Dr.Kory and others in the hearing complained about is the lack of NIH funding of US trials as opposed to the vaccine. A Florida-based doctor was there especially for this. I’m all for the vaccine, a victory for science, but we’re not winning anyone’s confidence by not studying And critiquing Ivermectin either.

1 month ago
Dude, they have done RCT... seems like you didn't even look at the studies

1 month ago
Maybe instead of saying "we don't know the answer." Speak for yourself and say "I don't know the answer."

1 month ago
Ivermectin works - awfully easy to speak about when you are well - it’s saving too many peoples lives to ignore. What would YOU do if you were struggling to breathe?

1 month ago
Dr.  Z there has been many studies in other countries for Ivermectin! I trust the doctors who have been giving this drug and saving lives. Now you are getting the side eye..... Are you apart of the great RESET!!🤔

1 month ago
its hard to do a randomized trial when you know that the people with the placebo are going to die...emergency use has to be authorized.  There have been ivermectin trials up and down the wazoo.

1 month ago
We need randomized double-blind placebo-controlled studies for ivermectin but not for vaccines? Sounds like a double standard.

1 month ago
I looked through the studies gathered by the FLCCC-group and found them pretty convincing. Half of them used random control groups and were based on a large enough population to be statistical relevant. So could you be more specific in your critique and/or point out specific flaws?

1 month ago
Instead of just guessing what it's about you could have invited him to talk to you. com/watch?v=PXh1yflndVE

1 month ago
Don’t like the way this guy talks. He doesnMt give a damn.

1 month ago
Z... ivermectin works!

1 month ago
Read the studies Doc.  As for the vaccine, it has a 3 month history at this point.  I'll personally wait for a longer record of safety.

1 month ago
The well intending physicians on Ivermectin were doing placebo trials...did you read their papers even ?

1 month ago
Get Dr K on the show and let him present the evidence. Also you should be less optimistic about the vaccine because it will not be 95% effective in the real world

1 month ago
If I have to choose between taking Ivermectin and a Vaccine, I’ll go for the drug for sure! Your comment doesn’t help anything!!👎🏻

1 month ago
Dr. Joseph Varon is also using it. He is treating covid patients, for over 200 days without day off.

1 month ago
This is one of your (awful) comedy skits, right?

1 month ago
Love ya but do need to share real experience this week for me this week.  I open my home to out of town post plastic surgery patients.  One brought her elderly 72 year old mother to help with the drive home.  Patient tested negative morning of surgery.  Two days later both are symptomatic and share that daily back home all now positive.  Had testing completed and they were now positive.  Patients mother had significant comorbidities.  HTN, defective mitral valve, obese with sleep apnea.  We all sheltered in and I kept a close eye on them.  Surgeon implemented ivermectin protocol with full disclosure that it was not yet accepted.  They opted to take.  Patient did fine.  One evening day three her moms pulse ox dropped to 90.  I ambulated her through the night and encouraged deep breathing and sleeping prone.  By morning average O2 level 92.   On day five they both drove home with a oxygen rate 98-99.  May not be accepted yet but ivermectin clearly worked.  By the way both my husband and I have no symptoms.  We plan to test out of curiosity tomorrow

1 month ago
I will never i hell take anny of the vaccines now on their way. But I would take Ivermektin whit out a doubt. Ivermectin to the people👍

1 day ago
This twerp challenging a world renowned critical care physician.

1 month ago
More money to be made and taken from people to consider any other option. That's the bottom line.

1 month ago (edited)
Should we wait this out and study ivermectin further?   No!  There is enough data to consider whether it is safe enough to start now, just like Vitamin D3.  If a doctor knows the patient's medications list (and perhaps a pharmaco genetics study).  If it does drop the death count by perhaps 1/3, then that's a measley little 100,000 patient deaths--we cannot wait for studies to come out.  Enough data is out there to recommend the drug without more trials, or allow prescriptions of this if the doctor discusses it with each patient.  Ivermectin is a very safe drug.

1 month ago
There's a "sponsorship" section on his website, where you can do interviews or have him create viral videos. His opinion on Ivermectin has been incentivized. If what they say about Ivermectin is true, it will be a major threat to the pharmaceutical companies that just released their vaccines. We wouldn't need paid propaganda like this video, using Ivermectin to treat covid would simply be banned.

1 month ago
My close friends Mother’s live got saved because she took Ivermectin! She was severely sick and was healthy in 2 days. It is effect ... you are watering this down

1 month ago
Trust me "I'v talked to some smart people about this"

1 month ago
I am by no means an anti-vax person but both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines seem very unsafe, and I am concerned about them.

1 month ago
We should try everything to save lives.  That’s what these doctors you slam and belittle are doing.

1 month ago
At least speak to Dr.Marik, Dr. Varon, Dr. Kory or any of the FLCCC doctor's.  They want to help people period. This episode was a sham.

1 month ago
Dr. Kory references an Argentina study that had a legit control are. Dr. Z. I’m done with you. You come across as a shill.

1 month ago
Please interview Dr. Marik and/or Dr. Kory.  Would love to hear the back & forth of ideas.  At this point - too many people are dying.  I'd prefer to take my chance with Ivermectin until when/if proven wrong by scientific studies.

1 month ago
Given we're months away from widespread vaccination, thousands are sick and dying from COVID, and ivermectin has a well understood safety profile, you should be asking why we wouldn't try ivermectin

1 month ago
This guy is a quack!

1 month ago
Ivermectin is an old Merck drug marketed in the 80's for African River blindness parasite.  Since there was no market for this in the US it was basically given away.  Merck received an award for its generosity to Africa that year.  Since then it's been used for resistant scabies and was used years back for sars cov 2 as it was discovered it had some antiviral properties too.  Hopefully this will pan out for Covid 19 as it's real cheap as a generic and has little side effects.  I'm an ex retired Merck employee

1 month ago
I wish you could  criticize vaccines the same way you criticize ivermectine.
Placebo testing - maybe?

3 weeks ago
Wait... did he just say ivermectin has more side effects than the vaccines? 😂😂😂.. what a quack.

3 weeks ago
Why does this guy always show up in my feeds. Propaganda

1 month ago
Hey doctor I can get I remember ivermectin today I cannot get the vaccine today

1 month ago
I’ve never seen a video with nearly 50% thumbs DOWN.  Lots of inaccurate info in this video, sir. Please reexamine.

1 month ago
Dr Been identifies the mechanism of action of IVM clearly.  Worth a look on his channel. He is an immunologist.

1 month ago
It has three mechanisms of action that have shown value in preventing and helping folks to a better outcome than without. The HCQ studies were designed to fail. The value was at the earliest moments, with zinc on board, and Vitamin D.  Simple thing is eat well, exercise daily, avoid vegetable oils, sleep well, manage stress, and get your vitamin D levels up to or beyond 50 ng/ml

1 month ago
Don't get emotional about needless deaths?  No, I think I will get emotional about it.

1 month ago
There was a lot more than in-vitro studies, and some need to read his manuscripts that he recommends. HCQ, Remdesiver, and convalescent plasma have not worked because it has not been studied IN THE VIRAL REPLICATION PHASE, something that Korey et al looked at. It has three+ proposed mechanisms of action and MINIMAL sfx. MORE THAN JUST ANECTDOTES.

3 weeks ago
Clearly didn't do his homework, feels like more YouTube gaslighting, indeed.

1 month ago
This doc is “ bought” and wants to be accepted by mainstream. RUN !!

1 month ago
I refuse to follow the protocol get infected,  isolate, allow it to destroy my lungs, wait until I can't breath, wait until life threatening then go to ER to get oxygen or vent.

1 month ago
Doctors must be encouraged to prescribe Ivermectin, so people don't have to use the vet version and make it scarce too.

1 month ago
I had a high one time dose of this ordered for a patient of mine today.  I couldn’t figure out what exactly it was for and the patient said she didn’t take it at I called the Hospitalist to inform me Sinai could educate myself and the patient.  Our infectious disease doctor apparently believes it’s a wonder drug.

1 month ago
Have you considered getting Kory on your show?

1 month ago
This is a harmless drug that is showing promise, when you're in the middle of a pandemic - let's try it - and there are a few clinical trials now.

1 month ago
I hope you know the emotions comes in when people like you try to shutdown the discussion. The truth will come out if you just let it

1 month ago
Doesn't Ivermectin address pnumonia, as well as being an antiparasitic? Is that possibly why it would help? Japan tautes it as the wonder drug

1 month ago
Zdogg I really appreciate your insights but you could just have a look at the accumulating evidence especially the uploaded evidence he is referencing that his group has uploaded before you make your decision.

3 weeks ago
I know 4 folks who took IVM during illness, I know at least 10 that took it as preventative, all positive results so far...

1 month ago
There’s far more evidence for the efficacy of ivermectin doxycycline and zinc than for the wearing of masks.
Why promote mask wearing with insufficient evidence whilst talking down the ivermectin led combined treatment that has far more evidence to support it.

4 weeks ago
I wish I had more downvotes to give you.

1 month ago
It’s painful to listen to you.

1 month ago
3:00 "Is there some it strong evidence...i don't think so...but there's a lot of it though"


1 month ago
Dude hasn't even read the flipping papers 😂🤦‍♀️🙄

1 month ago
I thought the original large  study Showing hydroxy was ineffective was withdraw.

Was another conducted?

1 month ago (edited)
Gee I'm really skeptical of this drug that's been around forever but get this novel vaccine with a couple months testing behind it fuck yeah pump that shit out an masse.

1 month ago
Did you look at all the studies though they are referencing though? Have you been to their website? It sounds like you haven't because they did reference a randomized trial in a South American hospital where half hospital workers took ivermectin and half didn't. The half that took it none contracted the Vid. The half that didn't over half of them contracted it. That sounds encouraging right, if true? And then at what point do you factor in their own personal experience in treating covid patients? If you have success treating covid patients over and over again using ivermectin, at what point to you not shout out about it when thousands of people are dying. Especially if it also does prove effective as a prophylactic which the vaccines don't, correct?

1 month ago
I think you should look at their website carefully. A lot of rtc’s that are good data. Also dr been has a lot of good info on his use of it

1 month ago
When was the randomized blond study for the lockdown?
We are in a crisis.. if a drug is safe and show some results authorize use and keep research..

4 weeks ago
Good job doc almost more dislikes than likes... keep it up...

1 month ago
We don't know the answer because nobody is interested to find the answer based on the inexpensive drug. 
Stop your BS. The doctors supporting use of ivermectin also support social distancing and wearing masks.
You should be ashamed and you won't be. I will never share this video full of insinuations and deceptive claims.

1 month ago
I prefer a drug taken a billion+ times over several years to  vaccines used by thousands the past few weeks for safety. Good we have both for those (not me) who can't or won't do vaccines.

1 month ago
as to whether this is only being used in south america, i think egypt and india are NOT in south america."

I just copied and pasted the comments that came up without removing any. You would think the nitwit could begin to get the picture, based on the comments. Makes you wonder if there isn't more going on than meets the eye.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 04:25:00 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment