Author Topic: FDA rejects full approval for Pfizer booster, limiting authorization to elderly  (Read 1877 times)


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"FDA rejects full approval for Pfizer booster, limiting authorization to the elderly and vulnerable"

[Beginning of the end for the leaky, narrowly focused, not-"vaccines"? The first publicly voiced government recognition of "vaccine" failure, from the very first variant to challenge the vaxxes?

What will the value of a "vaccine passport" be, that provides proof of a treatment that expires in what would seem well under a year, when it is only 39% effective against the first variant to come along? Particularly when the FDA requires even legitimate actual vaccines to be at least 50% effective to even receive emergency use authorization. Yet the homicidal maniacs will no doubt find a workaround to continue their completely unnecessary vaxx genocide, that pales in comparison to their suppression of early treatment genocide.

Further illustrating this isn't about controlling a virus as much as controlling people minds, freedoms and right to self-determination, through a massive global psyop campaign that has been in the works for decades.]

The article:

"FDA rejects full approval for Pfizer booster, limiting authorization to the elderly and vulnerable

WASHINGTON — A key federal advisory panel voted overwhelmingly on Friday afternoon not to recommend booster shots for every American 16 or older who has already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, only to vote minutes later — even more overwhelmingly — to approve boosters for people 65 and older, as well as those at high risk because of preexisting conditions or occupational hazards."

[and that is from another government panel, that is no doubt larded with members that have financial and other interests in Big Pharma's profits, just like Fauci's NIH panel larded with members with conflicts of interest in Gilead Sciences.]

"Next week another panel, this one from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also has to grant approval. If it does, the Biden administration can begin this next stage of the vaccination effort. Since last December, 180 million Americans have been fully immunized against COVID-19, which has killed 671,000 people in the United States since the pandemic began in late 2019."

"And there's the big lie once again. It was Fauci and NIH "standard of care" that killed 99+% of those 671,000 people."

NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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"Why Did The CDC Stop Recording Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in The U.S. on May 1st? – Today We Got The Obvious Answer, Vaccine Companies Want to Sell Booster Shots"

"At the time the CDC stopped tracking the incidents of vaccinated persons contracting COVID-19 and being hospitalized, many people wondered why?  Obviously if you stop recording vaccinated persons who are hospitalized, it will look like only unvaccinated persons are being hospitalized by the variants in the CDC records.  That skews the data and gives the false impression that only unvaxxed persons are getting infected and/or sick….

…Which is exactly what happened.

The medical industry and media narrative around the COVID-19 Delta Variant was that unvaccinated people in the U.S. were the majority group at risk.  The data supported that narrative because the breakthrough cases were no longer being recorded.   This makes the vaccine approach look better.  The approach of not counting the breakthrough case hospitalizations also makes the pharmaceutical companies look better; their vaccine looks more appealing & more effective.

However, another angle surfaced today that highlights the strength of the motive to stop recording those breakthrough cases; it also explains why some of the top leadership in the FDA quit their jobs rather than participate.

When the FDA vaccine approval panel was originally instructed to use the efficacy data with the goal of evaluating the booster shot request for the Pfizer vaccination; they were instructed to only look at the data from the U.S.

Knowing the CDC no longer was tracking U.S. breakthrough cases, that meant the FDA vaccine approval panel was only evaluating the Pfizer efficacy and hospitalization issue around the non-vaccinated group.  If this approach had been maintained, they would be making a determination of vaccine efficacy/effectiveness in the U.S. with the key metric omitted: The Pfizer vaccine would look more effective than it actually was, because the vaccinated and hospitalized metric was removed.

That skewed data looks like an intentional decision – for that specific intentional reason.   The CDC was trying to make the vaccines look more effective at avoiding hospitalization.  THAT is a political manipulation by changing a key part of the record-keeping.  THAT looks like the reason for the FDA officials to quit, rather than participate in politically manipulated science.

This scenario turned up today in the FDA rejection of a Pfizer booster, when the FDA vaccine approval panel finally won the argument and was allowed to look at more than just the manipulated U.S. data-set.   Despite the CDC stopping to track the vaccinated and hospitalized data in the U.S., the panel was allowed to consider the vaccinated and hospitalized outcomes from the U.K. and Israel {Source Link}:

[Dr. Peter Marks, the FDA leading expert in vaccines,] – “added the meeting focused on almost real-time analyses compared to what is happening in the world, and the goal remains slowing the spread of COVID-19, which is killing almost 2,000 Americans daily.

The question the advisory panel was originally given to consider only used the U.S. data, a small dataset, despite the presentations including data from the U.K. and Israel.

Marks instructed the panel to consider all the data, noting, “This is not a legal proceeding, this is a science proceeding, so you can take all the data into account.” (link)

By looking at the vaccinated/hospitalized rates in the U.K and Israel, a data-set intentionally not recorded by U.S. health officials, the panel rejected the Pfizer request for a booster shot, noting the efficacy just wasn’t there.  However, if the panel had only looked at the data approved by the CDC, the Pfizer vaccine efficacy would have looked much better because the vaccinated/hospitalized data was intentionally not recorded.

This my friends is how the healthcare of the U.S. is being manipulated by politics and Big Pharma.

This political manipulation also explains why the White House was proceeding with a booster shot distribution plan, even before the FDA vaccine advisory panel gave their opinion. $$$"
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment