Author Topic: Lies and falsehood cannot stand in the light of truth, so truth must be censored  (Read 1300 times)


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Lies and falsehood cannot stand in the light of truth, so in order to advance lies truth must be censored, banished, shadow-banned, de-platformed and otherwise eliminated, in efforts to hide lies and falsehood from being exposed by truth.

A rational person cannot lodge an argument against that simple truism.
How can even the most simple among us not realize, that if their point of view is on the side of those that censor opposing points of view, that obviously indicates they are on the path of lies and falsehood?

World renowned virologists, epidemiologists, vaccinologists and 99+% successful treating physicians have been and continue to be censored, demonetized and deplatformed on Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and even Next Door along with the rest of establishment Tech as well as the legacy media (that resulted in the completely avoidable deaths of a million Americans), while all civil voices are more than welcome to join the newer establishing platforms that embrace free speech, while offering world renowned scientists and medical professionals an opportunity to educate the public. What could make things more clear? Censored speech on established Tech or free speech on newer platforms.

What could any individual with the slightest capacity to be honest with themselves, have against all points of view being available to all, and then selecting their preferences from the whole marketplace of ideas?
The evil and death that has already been rained down on humanity, by those on the side of the censorship of truth, should also help make clear the spiritual nature of the information war that has been raging all around us for so long.

How can anyone stand on the side of government bureaucrat, soulless questionable corporation and legacy media profiteering from their censorship of truth, that has resulted in the completely unnecessary deaths of over a million Americans and millions more worldwide? The same side that ever since the spring of 2020, has refused to engage in discussion regarding the wildly successful repurposing of, safe, effective, inexpensive generic drug $20 treatment protocols, in order to advance Big Pharma's very expensive, experimental, toxic and comparatively worthless patented drug Remdesivir, let alone tens of billions of dollars worth of toxic "vaccines" that have cost at least tens of thousands of lives.

Particularly egregious was the censorship of 99+% successful treating physicians who have been in the trenches since the beginning of the pandemic, saving millions of American's lives through early treatment, thereby preventing hospitalization. Heroes of the art and science of evidence-based medicine that became so frustrated by being ignored, with so much carnage and misery being wrought through censorship, that by August of 2020 they even felt compelled to spend their time making direct appeals in open letters regarding the 99+% successful early treatment triple-therapies.
Questions for Dr. Fauci - Why such opposition to Hydroxychloroquine?

This while Fauci's advice was go home and isolate with no early treatment recommendation, until you begin to suffocate and require oxygen, followed by going to one of the Illness Industry's hospitals for the deadly NIH "standard of care" that averaged $73,300 per patient and was primarily responsible for the deaths a million Americans.
NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals

Some frustrated doctors even going as far as holding public appearances, with nothing to gain and only vilification and defamation to be expected, from Big Pharma's legacy media. The American public realizing so much was wrong, while being so hungry for truth, the video of their event received over 17 million views in the first 10 hours after being uploaded to YouTube. At which time of course the honest truth was just too much for the homicidal profiteers at Google/Youtube to bear and so it was removed.
Press Conference - America's Frontline Doctors Summit
Response the next day, to having been banned
The conference was announcing an upcoming summit, that contained so much well documented and easily understood truth by so many medical professionals, that videos of the summit also had to be banned.
America's Front Line Doctors

And so the legacy media-Big Tech Silicone Valley snowflake-government lackey's censorship has gone on for well over two years now, and continues to this day in their mass homicide of over a million Americans and millions more worldwide that died horrific and completely unnecessary deaths, on the alter of Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Tech and legacy media profiteering, through censorship.

While those that continue to be censored, silenced, threatened and are de-platformed, happen to be world renowned epidemiologists, virologists, vaccinologists and pathologists, that have thousands of peer reviewed published papers to their credit, as well as highly successful front line treating physician/scientists, who have all had nothing to gain by coming forward and sharing their data and real life experiences with generic drugs except to save millions of lives, while their licenses are threatened, they are fired from jobs and scorned and defamed by liars in media that profit from falsehood.

One of the more recent to be deplatformed being Dr. Robert Malone, inventor and patent holder of the mRNA vaccine technology platform, for having the audacity to upload a video that simply explores the Pfizer "vaccine" - through Pfizer's own data - that Pfizer's FDA had appealed to keep hidden from the public for the next 50 years.
FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant Until Year 2076 Full Release Pfizer’s Vaxx Data

"The CHD obtains Pfizer / FDA vaccine data – and its not good"

Yet there are people whose minds are so broken they likely wouldn't have any problem with data being hidden for 50 years, that was even supposed to be made available before emergency use authorization was ever granted, for fear of facing the truth. The same folks likely don't have any more trouble with that than they do with the censoring of truth.

People so terrified of truth, they refuse to pull their heads out of the sand, even in light of all that has been discovered and reported through the fog of censorship regarding the investigational, experimental, genetically engineered, chemically enhanced, innate immune response reprogramming, leaky, escape mutant training, gene therapies, that most of them didn't even realize they were volunteering to be test subjects in a phase 3 trial of.
Are Vaccines the Panacea for COVID-19? We don't know what we can't know.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2023, 12:50:08 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment