Author Topic: Was a vaccine for COVID ever necessary, considering 99+% effective $20 remedies?  (Read 4860 times)


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Repeatedly updated.

The choice was never between risk a COVID vaccine or risk a bad COVID outcome.

The choice since March 23 of 2020 has been to seek out 99+% effective (in high-risk) $20 EARLY home treatment, or do nothing as Fauci/NIH advised and risk disease progression and hospitalization at average $73,300 per hospital stay, with a bad COVID outcome (as over a million deceased Americans learned along with those that suffer from long COVID).

Ever since the leaky non-"vaccines" came out it has still been the same choice. To seek out 99+% effective (in high-risk) $20 home treatment (that works for COVID and ALL of its variants), or risk volunteering to be a guinea pig for an investigational, experimental, genetically engineered, chemically enhanced, innate immune response reprogramming, leaky, escape mutant training, gene therapy, even though 30 years of effort at producing mRNA vaccines for SARS corona virus in humans was put in, ALL prior efforts FAILED during the animal testing phase.

In other words the choice is between taking 35 and 65 year proven-safe generic drugs that millions of Americans take every day of the year, year after year, for other ills like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus - in the same dosage that the COVID triple therapies prescribe over just 7 days - or submit to be experimented on by a corporation with a long history of criminal conduct as gatekeeper and advisor, that stood to gain hundreds of billions of dollars in profit from a vaccine that was never necessary. A corporation whose captured FDA tried to hide their trial's 1,291 "adverse events of special interest" over the next 70 years. Let alone the 5X heart related deaths in Pfizer's vaxx group over control.

And it isn't like the DOD (DARPA) and CDC haven't known about ivermectin curing corona virus in humans for at least a decade.

How necessary was or is a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19 disease), in light of competent clinicians meeting with success in early treatment of up to 100% of their elderly and high-risk patients at home, with zero hospitalizations - using $20 generic drug/nutraceutical protocols through the Art and SCIENCE of evidence based COVID-19 treatment - ever since March of 2020?

The obvious answer is that it was never necessary for any person of any group, including the elderly and high-risk persons with multiple comorbidities, to volunteer to be test subjects in a massive trial of a questionable corporation's investigational, experimental, genetically engineered, chemically enhanced, innate immune response reprogramming, leaky, escape mutant training, gene therapy - the longer term consequences of which only God can know. The dangerous, experimental, clot shots were never necessary for anybody in light of EARLY treatment, and this cannot be rationally argued against in the light of 3 years of up to 100% effective early treatment in all groups.

Even more appallingly, if these near perfect early treatment protocols that doctors had proven by March of 2020 had been admitted to, rather than being censored by Big Pharma's Fauci and fellow profiteering media, emergency use authorization could never have been legally granted to Remdesivir or later on the experimental non-vaccines, let alone Big Pharma's 2 to 3-year-come-lately comparatively pitifully inferior yet extremely expensive, patented, experimental, comparatively dangerous, early treatment drugs like Paxlovid and Molnupiravir.

U.S. government prepaid Pfizer ~$530 per course of treatment for a therapeutic with 120 important drug interactions across 25 different classes of very commonly prescribed medications. Offering by all trials about 19% improvement in early treatment, 2% improvement in late, and 33% improvement in mortality. By RTCs 48% improvement and 70% improvement in mortality. With an Black Box Warning: "severe, life-threatening, and/or fatal adverse reactions due to drug interactions have been reported in patients treated with paxlovid". And then there's "Paxlovid rebound".
Paxlovid studies and trials. Scroll down at this link to view each study.

On March 23rd of 2020 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported to President Trump and Mark Meadows his team having treated 500 elderly and high-risk patients with 0 deaths, 0 intubations and 0 hospitalizations, using hydroxychloroquine+zinc+azithromycin that became known as the Zelenko Protocol and has been used around the world ever since.

As of January of 2023 Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. George Fareed have now treated over 20,000 COVID patients, with zero deaths among those who sought treatment within 7 days of the onset of symptoms. They earlier published the book Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients. Unsurprisingly Tyson has not administered a single "vaccine" for this disease that has demonstrated itself to be so easy to cure, when treated early by competent clinicians, since March of 2020. treated 150,000 COVID patients with only 4 deaths (that showed up too late for early treatment) for a 99.99% success rate.

Tens of thousands of doctors, across the United States and throughout the rest of the world, met with similar success in early treatment.

India's State of Uttar Pradesh: 230 million people, 310,783 cases April, cut 97.1% in June, just 22 cases August

However even during the more deadly early A and B strains:  "The average age of death from COVID is 78. The average life expectancy in America is 78." "Globally, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.8%. Under the age of 70, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.97%."
That 0.03% risk of death includes unhealthy, overweight, people under 70 with comorbidities, and does not include an additional 99+% reduction in risk with effective early treatment which would take it to about 0.0003% risk of death in those under 70 (3 in a million), and a theoretical rate of 0.002% risk of death (2 in 100,000) for all people globally - if treated early.

Additionally on the subject of need for a vaccine, it's interesting to note that in September of 2020 Johns Hopkins published an article on data that revealed that the increase in death by COVID-19 was equal to the reduction in death by all other causes. In other words as was frequently reported outside of the legacy media, people were dying with COVID rather than from COVID. Just as seasonal flu has always pushed sick and elderly people over the edge (pneumonia being called "The old man's friend") - while flu deaths were down 98% during COVID! What a surprise!
Hopkins later retracted the article - not because the article or the data was inaccurate - but because it went against the approved COVID narrative that Big Pharma put in place to advance a questionable corporation's unnecessary, investigational, experimental, genetically engineered, chemically enhanced, innate immune response reprogramming, leaky, escape mutant training, gene therapy.

Even worse was the fact that all prior efforts at mRNA vaccines for corona viruses in humans, failed during the animal testing phase. The notable difference this time being that they skipped the animal testing phase and made billions of humans the phase 3 trial subjects - while eliminating their control group in a few months, to leave nothing to compare against.
So what is "vaccine-enhanced disease" or "pathogenic priming", that was the result of failure of all prior efforts at mRNA vaccines for corona viruses in humans? Didn't the people who administered the experimental clot shot to you fully inform you (per the Nuremberg Code), if not about the possibility of death or permanent disability from the shot, at least about the FDA's warning regarding vaccine enhanced disease?
The following chart details COVID deaths X number of COVID vaccines per person, comparing poor, overcrowded, under served, comparatively unsanitary, considerably unvaxxed 3rd world countries with the U.S.. The reason that only Nigeria, Niger and Burundi's labels appeared when the following screenshot was taken, is because the labels for Congo, Chad, Madagascar, Tanzania, Camaroon, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Mali, were underneath them.
Current data:
(Chart updated 12-12-22)

Hospitals receiving financial incentives to declare patients COVID positive, combined with unreliable PCR testing (that the inventor pointed out could not be reasonably used for that purpose), employed such a large cycle threshold of (CT) of 40, that even a paw paw and goat tested positive for COVID. The CDC eventually reduced the cycle threshold from 40 to 28 or less for vacinees (to hide the fact that the vaccines were not protecting them from getting COVID), but recommended the former CT of 40 for the unvaxxed to maintain their volume of false positives. The WHO also warned about the high number of cycles making the result unreliable.

Based on the safety signals that were sounding the alarm back in February of 2021, regarding vaccine adverse events, it was already apparent that there was far greater risk of injury from the vaccines, than there was to not volunteering to be a test subject for the investigational experiment leaky "vaccines", but instead being prepared for early treatment with $20 generic drug/nutraceutical protocols.

Indeed the danger from vaccines compared to early treatment - or even no treatment at all for most - was apparent from Pfizer's own trials before any of the leaky non-sterilizing "vaccines" were ever even rolled out:
42.8% greater all-cause mortality in Pfizer's vaccine group than placebo group
Information they had their captive FDA try to appeal for them to hide for the next 50 years.
FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant Until Year 2076 Full Release Pfizer’s Vaxx Data
We learned why they wanted to hide their data after a judge forced them to begin releasing it:
Pfizer trials - 1,291 different "adverse events of special interest"

It is particularly egregious to experiment on young people - contrary to the Nuremberg Code that requires fully informing test subjects of the risk VS benefit of being experimented on - that stand a near zero chance of death from COVID-19, but a universally recognized and agreed chance of myocarditis along with other heart and a host of other dangers from the leaky non-vaccines. Let alone the long term consequences of which remain completely unknown.
Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among 48,000 Healthy Kids
Myocarditis numbers before COVID were 4 per million, post jab 25,000 per million

So many young people's lives ruined.
VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just the first 2 months of 2022

As well as among everyone else that volunteered to be experimented on:

All-cause mortality skyrockets in 2021 Data from Europe and the U.S. show

Fifth-largest U.S. life insurer reports 163% rise in 2021 death-benefit payouts

Life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

So why did Anthony Fauci instruct citizens to go home and isolate with no treatment recommendations, until they began to suffocate, and then go to the hospital - that bill an average of $73,300 per COVID patient (up to as much as $470,000 per patient)?
Why did the FDA remove emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine, when the NIH had suggested as far back as 2005 that HCQ could be effective at both at preventing as well as treating SARS corona viruses? Fauci was asked, but never answered.
Why did Anthony Fauci demand (unethical, immoral, homicidal), randomized placebo controlled studies for a 65-year-proven-safe drug, that is taken by millions of Americans every day of the year decade after decade, for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, in the same dosage that COVID protocols prescribe over just 7 days?
Even the instructions on Tamiflu say treatment must begin within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. Nothing new with Fauci having made the same unreasonable demands for another generic drug that helped AIDS sufferers back in the 1980s, that resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths.

So what was the result of Fauci's Big Pharma campaign against effective early treatment with safe generic drugs this time around? By January of 2023 over 1.1 million Americans have died horrific and completely preventable deaths, that could have otherwise gotten better often within days in the comfort of their own homes, for $20.

That's why vaccines should and generally do, take at least 10 to 20 years before being widely accepted, as most everybody knows and as even Fauci once attested. With the spike proteins having a particular affinity for the ovaries, it won't be until babies that are in the wombs of their vaccinated moms reach child-bearing age before we can have any idea what's been done to them. However even the short term has been pretty discouraging.
Study Shows 8 In 10 Women Pre-3rd Trimester, Miscarried After Getting Covid Vaxx
Massive increases in fetal demises
Let alone how ridiculous it was to even consider producing a vaccine, for what has been such a easily and inexpensively treatable disease, ever since March of 2020.

Big Pharma's pro-patented-drug profiteering anti-generic-drug FDA, becoming so homicidally vile that the FDA characterized another highly COVID-effective, safe, generic drug protocol utilizing ivermectin - that humans have consumed billions of doses of over the last 35 years - derogatorily as "horse paste", yet the FDA doesn't describe aspirin as horse paste even though it is another therapeutic that is administered to horses in paste form for veterinary use.
Big Pharma's propaganda ministry, the FDA, horses around with IVM as COVID cure

Perhaps for the first time since the recognition of germ theory, going so far as to even deny the superiority of durable, robust, long lasting and broad based immunity derived from natural infection and recovery, for resistance against the original A-B strains of COVID-19 as well as all the variants that have popped up.
As Fauci also once attested.................. before he didn't, in order to peddle Big Pharma's dangerous, escape mutant training, leaky, non-sterilizing, clot shots.

Stunning charts of Japan's miseries. The more doses of the vaxx administered, the more COVID deaths:

While all-cause mortality skyrocketed, beginning with clot shot rollout:

« Last Edit: January 04, 2024, 10:00:09 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Based on the preceding the following is a given as difficult as it may be to come to terms with for those that have been stuck behind the wall of Big Pharma's censorship through their propaganda agents in mainstream media, government, medical journals and digital media. But the simple and irrefutable fact of the matter is that with effective early treatment using $20 drug/nutraceutical protocols by competent clinicians, nobody has been at significant risk of death by COVID-19 since March of 2020 regardless of their age or co-morbidities.

Unfortunately folks didn't bother to sit down to actually calculate their own personal risk VS benefit ratio in weighing the risk of the investigational experimental "vaccines" against the near zero risk from COVID-19 through early treatment.

Vaccine RISK VS BENEFIT - Pragmatism (absurdly, "hesitant") VS blind obedience

Vaccinate <18-year-olds that have a 5 in 1 million chance of dying from COVID???
« Last Edit: June 04, 2023, 04:29:14 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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« Last Edit: May 05, 2023, 02:17:37 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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"Doctors orders" - movie on how brave doctors saved their patients while cowards killed theirs through negligence

Early: "Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown"

"Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture"
« Last Edit: June 13, 2023, 02:47:41 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Sonia Elijah 1:03:00 mark

"I analysed the first EU safety update report for #Pfizer #BioNTech vaccine and the data is damning."

"EU safety report on Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine reveals damning data

It is high time to hold the EMA and the EU Commission and their complicit partners – starting with WHO and FDA, CDC – accountable for their dereliction of duty in failing to protect public health by ignoring the glaring safety signals and standing by the obviously erroneous statement that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine’s ‘benefit-risk profile remains favourable.’ This long existing safety report, published in August, 2021 serves as solid evidence that parties involved in evaluation and decision to allow COVID-19 ‘vaccinations’ to market were aware of the devastating impact they brought about. They did not only fail in their duty to properly evaluate mRNA ‘vaccinations’ before application on humans but they continue ignoring safety indicators at hand causing unmeasurable harm and destruction.

Their repeated refusal to respect their lawful mandates calls for an investigation of potential civil and criminal violations and the process to hold all involved accountable."

"The damning data

The following is an overview of the total number of cases (post-marketing and clinical trial data) of the 6-month reporting period:

The table below (extracted from the document) shows the number of cases broken down by: gender, age, country, case seriousness, outcome and presence of comorbidities.

Table 5. EU Periodic Safety Update Report, covering the 6 month period from 19 December 2020 through 18 June 2021

Table 5. EU Periodic Safety Update Report, covering the 6 month period 19 December 2020 through 18 June 2021

CT: Clinical Trial data PM: Post Marketing data

What’s noteworthy is that similar findings relating to: gender-specific vaccine safety risks for  females; individuals (cases) suffering from an average of 3-4 adverse events; high number of reports with either unknown and/or unresolved outcomes; high number of cases with gender unknown and the unusual grouping together of resolved/resolving cases were found when I analysed the Pfizer prepared document for the FDA, entitled, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) received through 28 February 2021”.

However, a striking difference between the two reports, is the explosion in the number of cases and events recorded in the EU’s PSUR, which is a staggering seven times higher compared to Pfizer’s submission to the FDA, which covered half the period.

The document states that during the reporting interval, 635,763,682 doses were estimated to have been administered worldwide and adds: “It is not possible to determine with certainty the number of individuals who received BNT162b2 during the period of this review.” Therefore, extrapolating accurate incidence rates is not feasible.

However, an important point to factor in when assessing the data, is the magnitude of underreporting of cases. A Harvard study concluded that only 1-13% of serious adverse events are ever reported. Furthermore, a systematic review by Hazell et al., provided ‘evidence of significant and widespread under-reporting of ADRs to spontaneous reporting systems including serious or severe ADRs.’ Therefore, it’s concerning that although the number of cases and events in the reporting interval seem high, the actual numbers may have been far higher. 

The affected younger age groups with no comorbidities

It’s a known fact that the majority of people fully recover after contracting Covid-19, particularly those with no comorbidities (no underlying health issues) and who are not elderly. However, the PSUR report reveals an alarmingly different story when it comes to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine recipients: a staggering 23% of the cases of those suffering from adverse events after receiving the vaccine, did not recover (they were left unresolved) and for 21% of the cases, the outcome was completely unknown. Also, the highest number of reported cases was in the 31-50 age group, not in the elderly population. When analysing the post-authorization data for fatal cases, broken down by presence/absence of comorbidities, across all age groups up to 64 years, more fatal cases occurred in individuals with no comorbidities. Of those aged 17 years and under, 22 individuals died who had no comorbidities, compared to 1 who did. Only in the 65+ age group do we see the number of fatal cases with comorbidities overtake those without. (See screenshot below).

Figure 10: Post-Authorization Data: Fatal Case Outcome by Presence / Absence of Comorbidities and Age Group

It is highly unusual that the PSUR did not address this obvious safety signal affecting younger age groups but instead glossed over it by saying “overall, the proportion of cases with a fatal outcome is slightly higher when comorbidities are reported.”
The case of Maddie de Garay

When looking at the reporting of the clinical trial data for the 12-15 year age group in the document, an obvious omission has been made, which can be described as the cover up of Maddie de Garay’s case.

In early 2022, I interviewed Maddie de Garay’s mother, Stephanie. Maddie, aged 12 at the time, took part in Pfizer/BioNTech’s clinical trial for 12–15-year-olds. Shortly after taking the second dose, Maddie was left with life-altering injuries, leaving her immobile and dependent on a feeding tube. Stephanie’s mother told me first-hand that Pfizer’s principal adolescent trial investigator, Dr Robert Frenck, recorded her daughter’s devastating injuries as “abdominal pain” even though he and the other Cincinnati hospital doctors were aware of all her symptoms.

Notice how ‘abdominal pain’ is one of the PTs (preferred terms) in relevant cases, referenced in the screen shot below, for the clinical trial data for 12-15-year-olds.

The PSUR was signed off by the EU Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance, Pfizer, Barbara de Bernardi, two months after the reporting cut-off date of 18 June, 2021. It’s unusual how the EMA’s CHMP recommended the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children aged 12-15 years old, a month prior to the finalization of the EU’s first ever Periodic Safety Update Report, on 28 May, with the EMA approving it for this subpopulation just a few days later. Why didn’t they want to wait for this important pharmacovigilance document providing an evaluation of the risk-benefit balance of the vaccine to come out first, before they made their decision?"

« Last Edit: February 20, 2023, 07:11:43 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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"Big Pharma's Destruction of American Journalism
What the recent changes at Fox News say about the country."

"Tucker’s Final Broadcast

Tucker Carlson was abruptly dismissed from Fox News sometime between Saturday, 4-22-23, and Monday, 4-24-23 (likely closer to Monday). Many believe the ten-minute segment he made (on 4-19-23) caused Fox News to cancel the most popular news host on national television despite it significantly damaged the network's financial revenue.

Given the importance of what he said here, I hope his firing results in many more people seeing that segment, and I hope if this article speaks to your heart, you will help make that happen."

« Last Edit: May 04, 2023, 09:12:52 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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How the government squandered our kid's future solely for profit, for Big Pharma and their lackeys in government and media:

"People used to fight over getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Now millions of doses are getting tossed in the trash because no one's using them.
 Grace Eliza Goodwin
May 15, 2023

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans were clamoring to get vaccinated as soon as they could.

But now, millions of doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are getting tossed in the trash because no one's using them.

More than 2 years after Johnson & Johnson's vaccine was first approved by the FDA, it is now no longer available anywhere in the US, according to the CDC.

Over 31.5 million doses of the J&J vaccine have been distributed across the country since March 2021 — 19 million of which made it into Americans' arms, CNN reported.

The 12.5 million remaining doses — nearly a third of the total produced — expired on May 7, and the CDC has told all vaccine providers to get rid of them.

Folks gradually wised up as they saw the vaxx induced carnage around them:

« Last Edit: May 26, 2023, 08:27:49 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Vaccines have never been tested in randomized controlled trials.
And Pfizer vaxxed their control group just months into their trial likely because things were going so horrifically, with 42.8% greater all-cause mortality in their vaxx group than control group.
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Well over a million Americans could have gotten better at home for about $20, rather than suffering in a hospital for weeks or months from drowning in their own body fluids.

While 9 months after Zelenko reported his 100% success in 500 elderly and high-risk patients, the homicidal government masters of the U.S. people, ignored even this mass of doctors.

"Submitted: 28 November 2020 | Revised: 8 December 2020 | Accepted: 15 December 20"
Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)
Peter A McCullough  1 , Paul E Alexander  2 , Robin Armstrong  3 , Cristian Arvinte  4 , Alan F Bain  5 , Richard P Bartlett  6 , Robert L Berkowitz  7 , Andrew C Berry  8 , Thomas J Borody  9 , Joseph H Brewer  10 , Adam M Brufsky  11 , Teryn Clarke  12 , Roland Derwand  13 , Alieta Eck  14 , John Eck  14 , Richard A Eisner  15 , George C Fareed  16 , Angelina Farella  17 , Silvia N S Fonseca  18 , Charles E Geyer Jr  19 , Russell S Gonnering  20 , Karladine E Graves  21 , Kenneth B V Gross  22 , Sabine Hazan  23 , Kristin S Held  24 , H Thomas Hight  25 , Stella Immanuel  26 , Michael M Jacobs  27 , Joseph A Ladapo  28 , Lionel H Lee  29 , John Littell  30 , Ivette Lozano  31 , Harpal S Mangat  32 , Ben Marble  33 , John E McKinnon  34 , Lee D Merritt  35 , Jane M Orient  36 , Ramin Oskoui  37 , Donald C Pompan  38 , Brian C Procter  39 , Chad Prodromos  40 , Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter  41 , Jean-Jacques Rajter  41 , C Venkata S Ram  42 , Salete S Rios  43 , Harvey A Risch  44 , Michael J A Robb  45 , Molly Rutherford  46 , Martin Scholz  47 , Marilyn M Singleton  48 , James A Tumlin  49 , Brian M Tyson  50 , Richard G Urso  51 , Kelly Victory  52 , Elizabeth Lee Vliet  53 , Craig M Wax  54 , Alexandre G Wolkoff  55 , Vicki Wooll  56 , Vladimir Zelenko  57

    PMID: 33387997 DOI: 10.31083/j.rcm.2020.04.264

Free article


The SARS-CoV-2 virus spreading across the world has led to surges of COVID-19 illness, hospitalizations, and death. The complex and multifaceted pathophysiology of life-threatening COVID-19 illness including viral mediated organ damage, cytokine storm, and thrombosis warrants early interventions to address all components of the devastating illness. In countries where therapeutic nihilism is prevalent, patients endure escalating symptoms and without early treatment can succumb to delayed in-hospital care and death. Prompt early initiation of sequenced multidrug therapy (SMDT) is a widely and currently available solution to stem the tide of hospitalizations and death. A multipronged therapeutic approach includes 1) adjuvant nutraceuticals, 2) combination intracellular anti-infective therapy, 3) inhaled/oral corticosteroids, 4) antiplatelet agents/anticoagulants, 5) supportive care including supplemental oxygen, monitoring, and telemedicine. Randomized trials of individual, novel oral therapies have not delivered tools for physicians to combat the pandemic in practice. No single therapeutic option thus far has been entirely effective and therefore a combination is required at this time. An urgent immediate pivot from single drug to SMDT regimens should be employed as a critical strategy to deal with the large numbers of acute COVID-19 patients with the aim of reducing the intensity and duration of symptoms and avoiding hospitalization and death.

Keywords: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; ambulatory treatment; anti-infective; anti-inflammatory; anticoagulant; antiplatelet agent; antiviral; corticosteroid; hospitalization; mortality; sequenced multidrug therapy.

© 2020 McCullough et al. Published by IMR Press."

The cost of "therapeutic nihilism" and ignoring successful treating physicians since March 23 of 2020:

« Last Edit: October 26, 2023, 03:33:06 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment