Author Topic: A strategy for immediately mainstreaming hydroxychloroquine and saving lives  (Read 1956 times)


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In order to avoid tens of thousands of additional unnecessary deaths going forward, the President should immediately demand that Dr. Fauci answer the list of questions that were asked of him, contained in the open letter addressed to Fauci by George C. Fareed, MD, Michael M. Jacobs, MD, MPH, and Donald C. Pompan, MD:

After Fauci's embarrassing inability to respond, the President should fire him and immediately consult with the doctors and bring in Dr. Vladimir Zelenko as Czar for COVID-19, who along with his team over the last 5 months has enjoyed a better than a 99% recovery rate among their patients including elderly and other high-risk individuals.

Zelenko could be asked to take the lead in criticizing all those who demonized HCQ without a cause and are responsible for tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, as well as highlight the disappointing U.S. national COVID death rate, when compared to countries that have been using hydroxychloroquine early and widely.

Next the President should force the leaders of the FDA to list all the reasons they removed Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine, and let Zelenko, the AAPS and America's Frontline Doctors attack the BS "trials" they cite like a pack of angry pit bulls, and tread asunder the fraudulent and deadly "studies" that would seem to have been designed specifically to make HCQ fail and falsely appear to be more dangerous than COVID itself.
After their abject failure to respond to the same questions with answers grounded in reason, immediately fire the heads of the FDA as well as NIH and CDC for being complicit and unable to answer the same questions. Replace them with competent individuals that have a genuine interest in science as well as protection of the American people, rather than in protecting special interests and shilling for Big Pharma as evidenced by the FDA granting EUA to Remdesivir while removing EUA for the 65-year proven safe drug HCQ. After all, if it is so dangerous, why didn't the FDA simultaneously limit access to HCQ by the millions of Lupus and RA sufferers in the U.S., who take it every day over many years of their lives, in the same dosage as the 5-day Zelenko Protocol or "HCQ cocktail" prescribes?

Next, the responsibility for the overwhelming majority of the 150,000 dead Americans and damages resulting from the national shutdowns need to be laid at the feet, of all those who were directly responsible for all of the unnecessary deaths through Internet censorship by Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, particularly by politicians on the side of the detractors and heads of government agencies like the CDC, NIH and FDA, along with the fake-news crowd of print media like the New York times and Washington Post as well as local papers, opinionated TV anchors and news programs, Internet bloggers, and all of the rest of the group-think lemming parrots that created the toxic atmosphere that frightened some feeble physicians and hospitals away from saving their patients with a drug that has proven itself to be up to 99% effective as well as having been considered very safe throughout the last 65 years of its history.

Individual House and Senate members that railed against hydroxychloroquine could be successfully be run against, by appropriately laying all of the unnecessary COVID deaths and related misery directly at their feet. Thousands of lives could be saved through increased awareness of the safety of hydroxychloroquine created by such campaigns.

This should all be done immediately, to normalize use of hydroxychloroquine and save lives beginning this very day!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 12:15:15 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Short version to copy and paste into pundits, politicians, the White House mailboxes. Edit to suit yourself but you have to be careful, as I found that one of my Senator's emails does not allow copy and paste or internet links. I had to type the whole message out which is copy and pasted in the next panel:

Winning strategy to save lives:
First step make Fauci publicly answer the list of questions that were asked of him in the open letter by three doctors.
After Fauci's abject inability to respond fire him and bring the 3 doctors on board and bring in Dr. Vladimir Zelenko for consulting as COVID Czar, who has had a better than a 99% recovery rate among his 2,200 COVID patients.
Zelenko could take the lead in criticism of all those who demonized HCQ without reason.
Next force the leaders of the FDA to list the reasons they removed Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine, and let America's Frontline Doctors and the AAPS attack their BS "trials" like a pack of pit bulls.
If HCQ were so dangerous, why didn't the FDA simultaneously limit access to HCQ by Lupus and RA sufferers, who take it every day over many years of their lives, in the same dosage as the 5-day Zelenko Protocol or "HCQ cocktail"?
Fire them and replace with competent individuals.
Finally lay the responsibility for the overwhelming majority of the 150,000 dead Americans and damages resulting from the national shutdowns, at the feet of all those who were directly responsible like politicians, fake-news media and Internet censors like Google/YouTube and Facebook. More details here:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 09:06:24 AM by Robert »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Type a message like this into emails of Senators and House members because their email may not allow copy and paste or hyperlinks.

A way to take House, Senate, WH by placing COVID blame where it belongs

Begin by making Fauci answer the questions in the open letter asked of him by 3 doctors. His failure would offer clear grounds to fire Fauci, and bring on board the 3 doctors that asked the questions as well as Dr. Vladimir Zelenko as COVID Czar, who treated 2,200 COVID-19 patients over 5 months with the "Zelenko Protocol" and only lost 2 of them.
Next make the leaders at the FDA support their decision to revoke EUA for hydroxychloroquine, and turn all of the phony and designed-to-fail "studies" they invoke over to Zelenko, the AAPS and America's Front Line doctors, to attack like a pack of pit bulls. Then fire and replace leaders at FDA as well as NIH and CDC as complicit.
Finally lay the blame for well over a hundred thousand unnecessary deaths in the U.S. on politicians, their fake-news Big Pharma promoting media and Internet censors at Google/Youtube and Facebook along with all outspoken detractors of hydroxychloroquine.
Individual House and Senate members could call out their opponents and the fake-news media that they own, as being directly responsible for the deaths and misery, with some directly responsible in their own words for demonization of HCQ.
At covid-19forum . org there is a thread that further details this strategy with lots of supporting links for this can't-miss effort for sweeping the elections. But it would have to be initiated immediately.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 09:09:43 AM by Robert »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment