No competent clinician would wait for the results of a test before treating a patient for a respiratory viral infection.
Particularly since accounts of repeated
false negative tests for COVID abound. Some suggest up to 20% false and others a 30% rate, but if it produces a false negative in one out of a hundred it really matters if that 1 is
YOU. of Americans with Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis take 400 mg of hydroxychloroquine daily over many years of their lives. That is the same dosage as the Zelenko Protocol administers, but for only 5 days. AAPS states that hydroxychloroquine is safer than aspirin, Tylenol or Benadryl. has been a rare association with arrhythmia (9/100,000) when taken in combination with Azithromycin, but those are certainly better odds than an elderly or high risk patient faces from dying with untreated COVID (5,000/100,000). Also, Zelenko and Risch suggest Doxycycline may be substituted for Azithromycin when appropriate. other words, Dr. Anthony Fauci's "go home and isolate" treatment for COVID-19 is the last thing one should do, but it does increase the odds that one will be hospitalized and eventually put on $3,200 Remdesivir as one sinks into a cytokine storm, rather than having taken the $20 Zelenko Protocol in the outpatient setting immediately upon presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19.