Author Topic: A Letter to Senators, Congress Persons  (Read 2296 times)


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A Letter to Senators, Congress Persons
« on: September 21, 2020, 06:31:39 AM »
Letter to send to all Senators, Congress persons, heads and residents of elderly care and assisted living facilities and citizens. You can copy and paste this into emails, but if by email to politicians, celebrities or other high profile persons you should probably remove the https://www. since complete links might be rejected by their incoming mail servers. Maybe even put a space after the . before org:

Here's a print friendly PDF of the following (room left over, top and bottom, for salutation and "sincerely":


On 9-18-20 the U.S. COVID death toll for the day was 937, pushing us toward the 200,000 new total logged the next day. Yet if the U.S. adopted a national policy of treatment with the $14 Zelenko Protocol of hydroxychloroquine+zinc+Azithromycin - of the elderly and those most vulnerable, along with every patient whose symptoms include shortness of breath - beginning immediately upon the presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19, the number of dead could theoretically be reduced by 99% to 10 deaths instead of 937. This calculation is based on RESULTS of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's 99.75% success rate over 2,200 OUTpatients having only lost 2, as well as the 99.5% success rate in the peer reviewed study of 1061 patients by the world's leading microbiologist/virologist/epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult. The absolute matter of fact success rates of Zelenko and Raoult have been repeated by hundreds of physicians throughout the U.S., and thousands worldwide, ever since March. If a policy of universal early outpatient treatment with the Zelenko Protocol could be universally instituted in the U.S., in a moment, the death toll would theoretically be reduced to 1% of current levels after a lag of just 12 days time.

Importantly, everyone who cites a trial or study that was done in a hospital INpatient setting, as a reason to suggest that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective in treating COVID-19, is either a lying shill for Big Pharma or suffers abject ignorance to the stunning success of HCQ in the early OUTpatient setting. Anyone who cites studies done with hydroxychloroquine alone, as a reason to suggest it is ineffective, is also lying or parroting a lie. Anyone who repeats misleading claims about danger being a reason to avoid HCQ, is ignorant to the fact that millions of Americans take 400 mg of HCQ daily for years on end for Lupus and RA, which is the same dosage that the Zelenko Protocol prescribes over just 5 days. Anyone who cites results of the "Solidarity" or "Recovery" trials as reason to believe there is danger, is ignorant to the fact that they poisoned participants with dosages 6 times greater than the Zelenko Protocol, or Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers use. Anyone who claims HCQ becomes too dangerous when combined with Azithromycin is mathematically challenged, since according to the highly esteemed and heavily published professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Health Dr. Harvey Risch and a consensus of cardiologists he cites, the chances of dying from arrhythmia caused by HCQ+AZ are 9/100,000, while the chances of an elderly or high-risk patient dying of untreated COVID-19 can be as high as 15,000/100,000. Besides which, where there are cardiac concerns, Doxycycline can be substituted for Azithromycin.

So every Senator or Congress person that is not fighting like a mad dog for universal early treatment with HCQ+zinc+AZ is complicit, in the completely unnecessary deaths of the elderly and least able among us (with minority communities hardest hit), and dumbstruck in the face of the demise of 200,000 Americans thus far. Since ignorance can no longer be used as an excuse, any other business that a Senator or Congress person has on their plate is irrelevant, compared to the suffering and loss of life of 900 Americans daily that could theoretically be reduced to just 10 through universal early treatment with the Zelenko Protocol. Let alone reversing the economic misery and hardship from shutdowns that would be completely unnecessary since American's lives could be restored to entirely normal. If an average Joe Citizen can be made aware of all of these FACTS, won't this be the way it will ultimately be recorded in the history of this pandemic? Is that the kind of legacy politicians really want to leave behind, for their children and their children's children to live with, for generations?

« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 06:49:37 AM by Robert »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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Print friendly PDF of the following if you would like to add it as page 2

Hydroxychloroquine has been saving lives all around the world for 6 months with success rates above 99%, and the Zelenko Protocol has been adopted by entire nation-states, for treatment of COVID-19. Countries that adopted widespread early treatment with HCQ, on average have a 74.8% lower death rate than countries like Mexico and the U.S. that have limited late treatment with HCQ.

Even Asia's largest slum met with amazing HCQ success, as treatment and as prophylaxis, with a population density 6 times greater than New York City and a COVID death rate at 1/20 that of the U.S.

So a drug that has a 65-year history of safety, that is sold over-the-counter in many countries (as it was in France for over 50 years) and is taken daily over the course of many years by millions of Americans for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis in the identical dosage that the Zelenko Protocol prescribes over just 5 days - that the AAPS suggests is safer than aspirin, Tylenol or Benadryl, that enjoys a 99+% success rate in treating even elderly and high-risk patients in the EARLY OUTpatient setting when administered immediately upon presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19, for which the entire 5-day Zelenko Protocol uses $14 worth of pills - gets the Emergency Use Authorization taken away from it.

So that a marginally successful experimental drug that is delivered intravenously in the hospital INpatient setting - that already failed in treatment for ebola, that has been implicated in damaging the liver and kidneys, that costs around $3,200 per course of treatment, for which the American taxpayers have already shelled out tens millions of dollars paying the manufacturer to develop it who nonetheless gets to set the price and make all the profits from it, that studies by Fauci's own NIH concluded on its efficacy that the "difference in mortality was not statistically significant" - could receive the Emergency Use Authorization instead of hydroxychloroquine.

So can Fauci's "go home and isolate" recommendation for COVID-19 be seen for what it is since it has been tantamount to a death sentence for so many elderly and high-risk patients that took Fauci's advice, and wound up being hospitalized after just days without treatment and then plunged into a cytokine storm and put on $3,200 Remdesivir as they lay there dying, rather than having immediately sought and received OUTpatient treatment upon presentation of symptoms or even clinical suspicion of COVID-19 with the $14 Zelenko Protocol of HCQ+zinc+Azithromycin toward a 99+% chance of survival? Would a doctor tell a patient with a cancerous tumor to "go home and isolate" until it got big enough to block an airway?

Do terms like wrongful death, negligent homicide and manslaughter come to mind? Considering the overwhelming majority of deaths were among the sick, elderly and the least able among us, perhaps even Pol Pot styled genocide comes to mind since he exterminated Cambodian citizens simply for being old, sick or disabled. So what about Cuomo's New York City policies?

Indeed so conspicuous and egregious has this injustice against the American people been that some refer to this madness as "crimes against humanity" and "mass murder".
More details from Yale professor of epidemiology Dr. Harvey Risch:
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 01:18:22 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment


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It is a disgrace what Big Pharma is doing in the world to control healthcare profits for their greedy malicious selves, and how many politicians and governments, in general, are playing into their hands for job security and the benefits the power of their position affords them.  This evil alone would justify Hell for them since they obviously operate through the power of Satan!  The truth is though, he probably doesn't need to do that much.  Their own inherent evil will guarantee them a hot seat in eternity I am sure.


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It is a disgrace what Big Pharma is doing in the world to control healthcare profits for their greedy malicious selves, and how many politicians and governments, in general, are playing into their hands for job security and the benefits the power of their position affords them.  This evil alone would justify Hell for them since they obviously operate through the power of Satan!  The truth is though, he probably doesn't need to do that much.  Their own inherent evil will guarantee them a hot seat in eternity I am sure.

While I suggested a theoretical estimate of reduction by 99% to 10 deaths per day instead of 937, purely using Zelenko's results would actually take it to 1 death instead of 937, since his death rate was 1 per every 1,100 patients that he saw. (and remember one of the 2 that he lost out of 2,200, had advanced leukemia and the other was already too far gone when he showed up for treatment).
Even the 10 per day figure would total around 1,800 victims over 6 months (current rate 2 day total). Compare that to the 30,000 to 60,000 victims of flu during a normal flu season.
Would we need a vaccine for COVID at that rate since those numbers confirm Dr. Didier Raoult's declaration that it is the easiest virus to cure?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 08:23:15 AM by Robert »
Over a million Americans died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and $20 EARLY treatment? https://www.covidtreatment